Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work


Gweithio o'r cartref / Working from home.

Literacy - English.


Beth am gwblhau ychydig o lefelau ar NESSY?

What about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

2) English phonic work.

In class we've looked at the 'igh' -'fly high' sound. Watch the video to remind you.

Task 1: How many of the words can you read in 1 minute? Can you beat your score?

Task 2: Read the sentences below and fill the blanks with the correct 'igh' word.

might / night / light / fight

  1. The stars come out at __________.

  2. Can you please turn off the ________.

  3. The boys had a _______ on the yard.

  4. I _______ have a bath later.

Task 3: Can you write a silly story including some of the 'igh' words?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg 1: Trefnu rhifau.

Trefnwch y rhifau hyn o'r mwyaf i'r lleiaf.

Task 1: Ordering numbers.

Order these numbers from the largest to the smallest.

Tasg 2: Dilyniant rhif

Adiwch neu tynnwch 1, 2, 5 neu 10 i gwblhau pob dilyniant rhif. Edrychwch ar y sgwâr 100 i’ch helpu.

Task 2: Number Patterns.

Add or subtract 1, 2, 5 or 10 to complete each number sequence.

Use the 100 square for help.

1) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? / What is the rule?

2) 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? / What is the rule?

3) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? /What is the rule?

4) 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? /What is the rule?

5) 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? /What is the rule?

6) 88, 86, 84, 82, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? What is the rule?

7) 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, __ , __ , __

Beth yw’r rheol? What is the rule?

Thema / Thema:

Nadolig ar draws y byd. / Christmas around the world.

Edrychwch ar y pwerbwynt 'Nadolig ar draws y byd'. Dewiswch un wlad ac ysgrifennwch am sut maent yn dathlu'r Nadolig gan ddefnyddio'r templed isod fel arweiniad yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref. Gall y gwaith hwn fod yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg. Cofiwch roi llun ar 'SeeSaw' i ni weld eich gwaith.

Look at the power point 'Christmas Around the World'. By using the template below, choose a country and write about how they celebrate Christmas in your homework book. This work can be in English or in Welsh. Make sure you take a picture and show me on the 'SeeSaw' app.



Literacy - English.


Beth am gwblhau ychydig o lefelau ar NESSY?

What about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

2) English phonic work.

Watch the video with the 'oo' special friends, (poo at the zoo) and play the wordwall game.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Cwblhewch y symiau isod yn eich llyfr. / Complete the sums below in your book.


Enghraifft / Example:


Thema / Theme:

Stori'r geni / The Nativity story.

Yn y dosbarth, rydym wedi gwneud tipyn o ddrama ar stori'r geni er mwyn cofio'r hanes arbennig. Ewch ati i ysgrifennu stori'r geni yn eich geiriau eich hun. Defnyddiwch y lluniau a'r eirfa fel cymorth. Os hoffech ail adrodd y stori ar lafar yn lle, recordiwch eich llais ar 'seesaw' i ni glywed.

In class, we have been doing some drama based on the Nativity story in order to remember this wonderful story. Re-write the story in your own words in your homework book. Use the pictures and word bank below to help you. If you would rather re-call the story verbally in your own words, record it on 'seesaw' for us to hear.

Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work.

Iaith / Language:

Yr wyddor Gymraeg / The Welsh alphabet :

Dewch i gael hwyl yn ymarfer yr wyddor Gymraeg drwy gopïo synau a symudiadau'r plant yn y fideo hwn.

Have fun practising the Welsh alphabet by copying the sounds and movements of the children in this video.

Sillafu / Spelling:

Geiriau Cymraeg / Welsh words.

Dewiswch dri neu fwy o'r lluniau isod a'u copïo yn eich llyfrau. Yna, llenwch y lluniau gyda rhai o'r geiriau allweddol Cymraeg sydd yn y tabl. Cofiwch eu sillafu yn gywir.

Choose three or more of the pictures below and copy them into your books. Then, fill in the pictures with some of the Welsh keywords from the table. Remember to spell them correctly.

Y llythrennau dwbl ll a ch:

Mae'r lluniau isod yn cynnwys y llythyren ddwbl ll neu ch. Gwnewch dabl yn eich llyfr, tynnwch lun o dan y llythyren ddwbl gywir ac yna ysgrifennwch y gair wrth ei ochr. Mae enghraifft isod i chi.

Atebion : Ar ôl cwblhau eich gwaith, gallwch wirio'r atebion ar y sleid.

Double letters ll and ch:

The pictures below include the double letters ll or ch. Draw a table in your book, draw the pictures under the correct double letter and then spell the word by its side. There is an example below for you.

Answers : After completing your work you can check the answers on the slide.

Atebion ll neu ch


Beth am gwblhau ychydig o lefelau ar NESSY?

What about completing a few levels on NESSY?

Secret word : frosteddawn

Read Write Inc-Phonics:

oy - toy for a boy / ir - whirl and twirl

Find the 'oy' and 'ir' sounds on the video. Practise the sounds in a normal voice / high voice / low voice / funny voice.

Task 1: Read the words as many times as you can. How about reading them in their order and then a random order?

Task 2: Practise spelling the 'oy' and 'ir' words in practical ways with items you have at home. There are some ideas in the picture.

oy- toy for a boy

ir- whirl and twirl

Task: How many words can you make from the Boggle grids below? You can use each letter once.

Examples: cat / hat

Llythrennau coll! / Missing letters!

Mae'r lluniau yn cynnwys y llythyren ddwbl th neu ff. Pa lythyren ddwbl sy'n mynd yn y bwlch i sillafu'r geiriau'n gywir?

The pictures include the double letters th or ff. Can you decide which double letter goes in the gap to spell the words correctly?

ce____yl / ca____ / por_____or / ___rindiau / ba____ / ar_____

Llawysgrifen / Handwriting:

Copïwch y gerdd yn eich llyfrau yn eich llawysgrifen orau.

Copy the poem in your books in your neatest handwriting.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Dosrannwch y rhifau isod gan ddilyn y dull yn y llun.

Partition the numbers below using the method in the picture.

Gemau Mathemateg / Maths games:

Dewch i ymarfer eich mathemateg pen drwy chwarae'r gemau isod.

Practise your mental maths by playing the games below.

Bondiau rhif 10, 100 a 1000.

Mae bondiau rhif yn barau o rifau sy'n adio i nifer penodol.

Gwyliwch y clip ac yna chreu un o'r posteri isod i'ch helpu i gofio eich bondiau rhif 10,100 a 1000. Cofiwch ymafer eich bondiau rhif yn reolaidd.

Number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000.

Number bonds are pairs of numbers which add up to a certain number.

Watch the clip and then create one of the posters below to help you remember your number bonds to 10,100 and 1000. Remember to practise your number bonds regularly

Cwblhewch y bondiau rhif isod. Dewiswch eich lefel anhawster eich hun.

Complete the number bonds below. Choose your own difficulty level.

Bondiau rhif 10 / Number bonds to 10 :

Bondiau rhif 10, 100, 1000 a 10 000 / Number bonds to 10 ,100,1000 and 10 000.

Arian / Money:

Faint o newid sydd eisiau arnoch? Dechreuwch gyda 'A' ac os gwelwch hwn yn hawdd, datryswch daflen 'B'. (Gwyliwch y clip fidio yn dangos y dull adio ymlaen a ddefnyddiwyd gyda'r disgyblion yn y dosbarth. )

How much change do you need? Start with 'A' and if you can do this with some confidence, try worksheet 'B'. ( Watch the video clip showing the 'adding on' method used in class with the pupils.)




Ffracsiynau / Fractions:

Gwyliwch y fideo i'ch atgoffa o beth yn union yw ffracsiynau.

Watch this clip as a reminder of what fractions are.

Gemau Mathemateg / Maths games:

Dewch i chwarae'r gemau ffracsiynau.

Come and play these fraction games.

Ffracsiwn o rif:

I weithio allan ffracsiwn o rif rhaid i chi rannu'r rhif hwnnw gyda'r rhif ar waelod y ffracsiwn. Gallwch ddefnyddio y dull neidio isod i'ch helpu i ddatrys y symiau neu gwnewch y cyfrifo yn eich pen. Neidiwch fesul y rhif ar waelod y ffracsiwn. Dewiswch set A neu B.

Fraction of a number:

To work out a fraction of a number you must divide that number by the number at the bottom of the fraction. You can use the jumping method below to help you solve the sums or do the calculations in your head. Jump per the number on the bottom of the fraction. Choose set A or B.

1/5 o 30 = 6

Set A

  1. 1/5 o 45 =

  2. 1/2 o 12 =

  3. 1/5 o 35 =

  4. 1/3 o 27 =

  5. 1/5 0 50 =

  6. 1/2 o 30 =

Set B

  1. 1/4 o 24=

  2. 1/6 o 36 =

  3. 1/4 o 16 =

  4. 1/3 o 21 =

  5. 1/10 o 210 =

  6. 1/7 o 21 =

Dewch i chwarae'r gemau gwerth lle.

Come and play these place value games.

Adio mewn colofnau / Column addition

Gwyliwch y clip hwn i'ch atgoffa sut i ddefnyddio colofnau i'ch helpu i adio rhifau tri digid.

Watch this clip as a reminder of how to use columns to help you add three digit numbers.

Defnyddiwch y tabl i'ch helpu ateb y cwestiynau isod. / Use the table to help you answer the questions below.

  1. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Candelas? How many children like Candelas?

  2. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Yws Gwynedd? How many children like Yws Gwynedd?

  3. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Gwilym a Mr Phormula? How many children like Gwilym and Mr Phormula?

  4. Faint o blant sy'n hoffi Yr Ods a Candelas? How many children like Yr Ods and Candelas?

Gwaith thema / Theme work:

Cymru / Wales

Yn y dosbarth rydym wedi bod yn dysgu am Gymru. Dyluniwch boster i annog twristiaid i ddod i ymweld â'n gwlad hyfryd. Gallwch wneud y poster yn eich llyfrau neu ar raglen Publisher ar liniadur. Isod mae fideo, gwefan a gwybodaeth i'ch helpu. Cofiwch wneud y poster yn lliwgar.

In class we have been learning about Wales. Design a poster to encourage tourists to come and visit our beautiful country, You can make the poster in your books or on the Publisher program on a laptop. Below is a video, website and information to help you. Remember to make the poster colourful.

Cymru Ffeithiau (1).pdf

Cynefinoedd / Habitats

Isod mae rhestr o gynefinoedd gwahanol. Ymchwiliwch i ddarganfod pa anifeiliaid, planhigion ac anifeiliaid sy'n byw ym mle a chopiwch tabl tebyg i'ch llyfrau.

In the table below there is a list of different habitats. Research to find what animals, plants and birds live where and copy a similar table in your book.

Cliciwch ar y linc hwn er mwyn dysgu am y cyefinoedd gwahanol ar Bitesize /

Click on this link to learn about the different habitats on Bitesize.

Dylunio creadur newydd / Design your own creature

Defnyddiwch eich gwaith cartref ar gynefinoedd â'r fideo hyn fel ysbrydoliaeth i ddylunio eich creadur eich hunain! Atebwch y cwestiynau yn y daflen isod. Cofiwch gall eich creadur fod mor wallgof ag y dymunwch!

Use your habitat homework and this video as inspiration for designing your own creature! Answer the questions on the documents below. Remember your creature can be as crazy as you like!


Defnyddiwch y dull colofnau i adio'r symiau hyn / Use the column method to add up these amounts:

Geiriau'r Hydref/ Autumn words.

Defnyddiwch y wefan isod i greu llun gan ddefnyddio geiriau sy'n gysylltiedig gyda'r Gaeaf e.e draenog, dail, Calan Gaeaf. /

Use the website below to create a picture by using words associated with Autumn e.g hedgehog, leaves, Halloween.