Gwaith Cartref / Homework

Gwybodaeth i rieni.pdf
Strategaethau sillafu.pdf

Cofiwch y gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith i ni drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show us your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information.

Diolch, MissWilliams a Mrs Griffiths Jones


Llyfr darllen / Reading book:

Os yw eich plentyn wedi dychwlyd ei lyfr darllen i'r ysgol ar ddydd Mawrth, yna fe fydd llyfr newydd ganddo / ganddi wedi dod adref gyda fe/hi ar ddydd Gwener. Os gwelwch yn dda, sicrhewch bod y llyfrau darllen yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol erbyn y Dydd Mawrth er mwyn derbyn un newydd.

If your child returned their reading book on Tuesday, then he/she will have received a new book on Friday to read at home. Please ensure that these books are returned to school by the Tuesday in order for us to hand out another one.

Sillafu / Spelling:

#Ar goll!

Gallwch chi benderfynu pa lythrennau sy'n mynd mewn i'r bylchau er mwyn sillafu dyddiau'r wythnos hyn yn gywir?

Edrychwch ar y sleidiau oddi tan i wyrio.


Can you decide which letters go in the spaces to spell the days of the week correctly in Welsh? Look at the slides below to see if you were correct.


Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi bod yn defnyddio'r unedau mesur cm a mm. Gwyliwch y clip fideo sy'n eich atgoffa sut i luosi gyda 10 a rhannu gyda 10 er mwyn gallu ateb y cwestiynau ar drosi unedau mesur.

This week, we have been using the measuring units cm and mm. Watch the video clip reminding you how to multiply by 10 and to divide by 10 so you can answer the questions on converting the measuring units.


I luosi gyda 10, symudwch pob digid i grid i'r chwith.

To multiply by 10, move all digits one gird to the left.

I rannu gyda 10, symudwch pob digid un grid i'r dde.

To divide by 10, move all digits one gird to the right

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch y darn isod ac ewch ati i ddarlunio llun gan ddefnyddio'r disgrifiadau. Mae clip llais hefyd yn ychwanegol os ydych eisiau cymorth. (Dewiswch opsiwn 1 neu 2)

Read the text below and draw a picture using the description. There is also a voice clip if you need some assistance. (Choose option 1 or 2)

Noson Tan Gwyllt 3.mp3

Opsiwn 1/ Option 1:

Noson Tan Gwyllt 2.mp3

Opsiwn 2 / Opsiwn 2

Noson Tan Gwyllt 3.mp3

Opsiwn 3/ Option 3:


Sillafu / Spelling:

Click on the link below to open the 'thesaurus'. Can you search for alternative words for some of the adjectives below? Can you build an ice cream like the ones in the example?

big / cold / small / hot / fast / angry / happy

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Faint o'r gloch yw hi?

Darllenwch yr amser ar y clociau analog isod. A allwch chi ysgrifennu sut y byddai'r amseroedd hyn yn edrych ar gloc digidol?

Cofiwch: Ar glociau analog a digidol, yr awr sy'n dod gyntaf (bys bach) ac yna'r munudau (mawr=munudau).

What time is it?

Read the time on the analogue clocks below. Can you write how these times would look on a digital clock?

Remember: On both analogue and digital clocks, the hour comes first (small hand) and then the minutes (big hand).

Darllen / Reading:

Darllenwch eich llyfr a thynnwch lun o'ch hoff ran.

Read your book and draw a picture of your favourite part.


Sillafu / Spelling:

Y llythrennau dwbl th a ff:

Mae'r lluniau isod yn cynnwys y llythrennau dwbl th neu ff. Gwnewch y tabl isod yn eich llyfrau. Didolwch y lluniau yn y golofn gywir gan wneud eu lluniau ac yna ysgrifennu'r gair o dan y llun. Mae un wedi ei wneud yn barod.

Double letters th and ff:

The pictures below contain the double letters th or ff. Draw the table below in your books. Sort the pictures into the correct column by drawing the pictures and writing the word below it. One has already been done.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Faint o amser gymerodd y daith?

Mae'r clociau ar y chwith yn dangos yr amser y dechreuodd y daith.

Mae'r clociau ar y dde yn dangos yr amser y gorffennodd y daith.

Cyfrwch y munudau i weithio allan pa mor hir y cymerodd y daith.

Cofiwch edrych ar y bys mawr yn unig (mawr = munud) a defnyddio tabl pump i'ch helpu.

Isod mae enghraifft, lle cymerodd y daith 20 munud.

How long did the journey take?

The clocks on the left show the time they left.

The clocks on the right show the time they arrived.

Count the minutes to work out how long the journey took.

Remember to only look at the big hand (mawr = munud) and use the five times table to help.

Below is an example, where the journey took 20 minutes.

Darllen / Reading:

Berfau 'ais'

Chwaraewch y gêm drwy ddarllen y berfau yn ofalus a chlicio ar y berfau 'ais' yn unig.

'ais' verbs

Play the game by reading the verbs carefully and only clicking on the 'ais' verbs.


Cân yr wythnos / Song of the week: Lisa Pedrick 'Fel yr Hydd'.

Gwrandewch ar gân yr wythnos yn ystod gwneud eich gwaith cartref.

Listen to this week's song whilst doing your homework.

Sillafu / Spelling:

#Sgribliad sillafu

Ysgrifennwch enw'r siap cymaint o weithiau ag y gallwch chi o fewn yr amlinelliad.


Write the name of the shape as many times as you can within the outline.

sgwâr cylch petryal

rhombws triongl hecsagon

Beth am ymarfer y gair 'siapiau' hefyd?

What about also practising the word 'siapiau' ? (shapes)

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Rydym wedi bod yn edrych ar siapiau 3D yr wythnos hon. Llenwch grid tegyg i hwn gyda gwrthrychau sydd o gwmpas eich tŷ.

We have been learning about 3D shapes this week. Fill in the grid similar to the one below with items form your house.


Darllen / Reading:

Dyma'r gerdd byddwn yn dysgu yn y dosbarth ar gyfer y Gwasanaeth Nadolig. Darllenwch y geiriau a gwrandewch ar y clip sain i'ch helpu i'w ddysgu.

Here is the poem we will be learning in class for our Christmas Assembly. Read the words and listen to the voice clip to help you learn it.

Cerdd Gwasanaeth Nadolig .mp3


A weles ti’r ddau a ddaeth gyda’r hwyr

O Nasareth draw wedi blino’n llwyr?

Bu raid imi ddweud bod y llety’n llawn

A chlywais hwy’n sibrwd “Pa beth a wnawn?”

A wyt yn fy meio am droi y ddau

I lety’r anifail a hi’n hwyr nesau?

‘Roedd yr awel neithiwr yn finiog oer

A llithrai dieithrwch dros wedd y lloer.

A deimli di heddiw fod rhyfedd wyrth

Yn datod y cloeon, yn agor pyrth?

O tyred, O tyred, heb oedi mwy

I lety’r anifail i'w gweled hwy.


Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Mr Phormula - Mynd yn Nôl

Beth am wrando ar Mr Phormula wrth wneud eich gwaith cartref?

How about listening to Mr Phormula whilst completing your homework?

Sillafu / Spelling:

This week we've been learning about the hard and soft 'th'.

Follow the instructions in the picture to practise spelling the words below.

Punctuation: In class we've been working on remembering to use capital letters and full stops in our work. Can you correct the sentences below to ensure they are punctuated correctly?

  1. the boy walks past the shop on his way to school.

  2. I like to play football with tom on the yard

  3. the stars come out at night

  4. jack threw the ball over the wall so Sam climbed over to get it

Additional task:

Can you write three sentences and ensure they include capital letters and full stops?

Dyma'r gerdd byddwn yn dysgu yn y dosbarth ar gyfer y Gwasanaeth Nadolig. Darllenwch y geiriau a gwrandewch ar y clip sain i'ch helpu i'w ddysgu.

Here is the poem we will be learning in class for our Christmas Assembly. Read the words and listen to the voice clip to help you learn it.

Cerdd Gwasanaeth Nadolig .mp3


A weles ti’r ddau a ddaeth gyda’r hwyr

O Nasareth draw wedi blino’n llwyr?

Bu raid imi ddweud bod y llety’n llawn

A chlywais hwy’n sibrwd “Pa beth a wnawn?”

A wyt yn fy meio am droi y ddau

I lety’r anifail a hi’n hwyr nesau?

‘Roedd yr awel neithiwr yn finiog oer

A llithrai dieithrwch dros wedd y lloer.

A deimli di heddiw fod rhyfedd wyrth

Yn datod y cloeon, yn agor pyrth?

O tyred, O tyred, heb oedi mwy

I lety’r anifail i'w gweled hwy.


Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Trin data

Dyma graff yn dangos hoff ffrwythau dosbarth o blant.

Edrychwch ar y graff ac atebwch y cwestiynau canlynol.

1. Beth yw'r ffrwyth mwyaf poblogaidd?

2. Sawl plentyn sydd wedi dewis afalau fel eu hoff ffrwyth?

3. Faint o blant ddewisodd grawnwin fel eu hoff ffrwyth?

4. Faint yn fwy o blant ddewisodd bananas na grawnwin, fel eu hoff ffrwyth?

5. Faint o blant oedd yn y dosbarth?

Data handling

Here is a graph showing the favourite fruit of a class of children.

Look at the graph and answer the following questions.

1. What is the most popular fruit?

2. How many children have chosen apples as their favourite fruit?

3. How many children chose grapes as their favourite fruit?

4. How many more children chose bananas than grapes, as their favourite fruit?

5. How many children were in the class?

banana grapes apple pear

Sillafu / Spelling:

This week we have been learning about past and present tense verbs.

Turn the verbs below into the past tense by adding -ed and complete the sentences.

Now add -ed to these verbs and write your own sentences.

Celf / Art:

Gwyliwch y fideo hyn i ddysgu sut i arlunio dyn eira.

Watch this video to learn how to draw a snowman.


Nadolig / Christmas:

Tasg 1 / Task 1:

Darllenwch lyfr / erthygl / cylchgrawn Cymraeg neu gwyliwch raglen Gymraeg dros y gwyliau.

Read a Welsh book / article / magazine or watch a Welsh television programme over the holiday.

Tasg 2 / Task 2:

Ewch ati i ymarfer rhai o eiriau'r tymor hwn.

Ysgrifennwch nhw / darllenwch nhw / sillafwch nhw'n gywir! Os nad ydych chi'n cofio ystyr rhai ohonynt, cofiwch edrych mewn geiriadur.

Practise some of this term's words.

Write them / read them / spell them correctly! If you're unsure of the meaning of some of them, remember to check in a dictionary.

dim / gallu / aeth / sydd / bydd / cael / mynd / roedd / sut

Tasg 3 / Task 3:

Ydych chi'n gallu ymuno gyda her natur y Wildlife Trust? Mae'r Wildlife Trust wedi creu her '12 Days Wild'. Gweler gwybodaeth am yr her isod:

Can you join the Wildlife Trust '12 Days Wild' challenge? The Wildlife Trust has set a '12 Days Wild' challenge. See more information below:

A midwinter nature challenge

12 Days Wild is our mini Christmas challenge, encouraging you to do one wild thing a day from the 25th December to the 5th January. In those weird days between Christmas and New Year, winter wildlife is just waiting to be explored! Your wild acts could be little things to help nature - like recycling your Christmas tree or feeding the birds – or ways to connect to the natural world, like walking off your Christmas dinner in the woods or admiring the beauty of a winter sunset.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!