Tymor 2 / Term 2

Cofiwch y gallwch chi ddangos eich gwaith i ni drwy ei uwchlwytho ar 'Seesaw'. Gweler y llythyr yn eich llyfr gwaith cartref am ragor o fanylion.

Remember you can show us your work by uploading it on 'Seesaw'. Please see the letter in your homework book for more information.

Diolch, MissWilliams a Mrs Griffiths Jones

Llythyr Seesaw Gwaith Cartref 3 a 4.pdf

Dydd Llun 4/1/21

Monday 4/1/21

Bore da! Cliciwch ar y linciau fideo'r athrawon 'Flipgrid' cyn dechrau eich gwaith er mwyn gweld neges gan naill ai Mrs Griffiths Jones (gwersi llythrennedd) neu Miss Williams (gwersi Mathemateg) Ewch i 'Log in with Google' a rhowch eich e-bost Hwb i mewn er mwyn gwylio'r clipiau. Diolch yn fawr.

Good morning! Click on the video links from the teachers on Flipgrid before starting your work to see a message form Mrs Griffiths Jones (literacy lessons) or Miss Williams (Maths lessons). Go to 'Log in with Google' and you'll need to enter your Hwb e-mail to gain access to the videos. Diolch yn fawr.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiwn, cofiwch gysylltu ar ein e-byst neu trwy SeeSaw.

If you have any questions, please contact us on our e-mails or on SeeSaw.



Llythrennedd / Literacy:

Fy ngwyliau / Fy ngwyliau Nadolig - Gwaith llafar.

Heddiw eich tasg yw recordio'ch hun yn sôn am eich gwyliau Nadolig/ gwyliau i ni. Hoffwn glywed beth wnaethoch chi. Rhaid i chi ddechrau eich brawddegau gyda'r ferf 'ais'. Mi fydd y ddwy dasg gyntaf yn gymorth i chwi wneud y cyflwyniad.

My holiday / My Christmas holiday- Oracy work.

Today, your task is to record yourself telling us about your holiday / Christmas holidays. We would like to hear what you did. You must start your sentences with the verb 'ais'. The first two tasks will help you with the presentation.

Tasg 1: Yn eich llyfrau gwaith cartref neu ar ddarn o bapur, nodwch mewn lluniau neu mewn geiriau beth wnaethoch chi dros y gwyliau. Defnyddiwch y berfau 'ais' i'ch helpu. Gweler yr enghraifft yn y llun.

Task 1: In your homework books or on a piece of paper, jot down in pictures or in words what you did over the holidays. Use the verbs to help you. Please see the example in the picture.

Gwelais i (I saw)

Bwytais i (I ate)

Chwaraeais i / Chwaraeais i gyda (I played /I played with)

Cefais i (I had)

Gwyliais i ( I watched)

Hoffais i (I liked)

Mwynheais i (I enjoyed)

Agorais i (I opened)

Tasg 2: Agorwch y 'Wordwall' isod i weld y berfau y gallwch ddefnyddio i ddechrau eich brawddegau. Trowch yr olwyn a gorffennwch y brawddegau am eich gwyliau ar lafar. Gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn defnyddio brawddegau disgrifiadol ac ansoddeiriau i ddisgrifio. e.e Bwytais i ginio rhost blasus oedd yn cynnwys moron, tatws a phys.

Task 2: Open 'Wordwall' below to see the verbs you can start your sentences with. Turn the wheel and finish the sentences about your holiday orally. Make sure you use full descriptive sentences and use adjectives to describe e.g Bwytais i ginio rhost blasus oedd yn cynnwys moron, tatws a phys. ( I ate a delicious roast dinner which included carrots, potatoes and peas.)

Tasg 3: Recordiwch eich hun yn dweud wrthyn ni am eich gwyliau. Defnyddiwch eich map a'r berfau 'ais' i'ch helpu. Gallwch recordio’r gwaith llafar ar 'Fflipgrid' neu ar Seesaw.

Task 3: Record yourself telling me about your holidays. Use your map and the verbs 'ais' to help you. You may record yourself on 'Flipgrid' by pressing the response button to record, or you are welcome to record on SeeSaw.

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg- Cyfrifo cyfansymiau / Task-Calculating totals:

Edrychwch ar y darnau arian isod er mwyn atgoffa eich hun o'r darnau gwahanol. Yna, dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3 a nodwch faint o arian sydd ym mhob pwrs yn eich llyfr.

Look at the coins below to remind you of the different coins. Then, choose option 1, 2 or 3 and note down how much money is in each purse in your book.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional task:

Beth am chwarae'r gêm yma? Dewiswch yr opsiwn 'counting'.

How about playing this game? Choose the 'counting' option.

Thema / Theme:

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Dilynwch y linc isod i weld sut mae pobl yn dathlu'r flwyddyn newydd o amgylch y byd.

Ar y 1af o Ionawr, mae pobl yn hoffi gwneud addunedau blwyddyn newydd sy'n darged personol iddynt weithio arno drwy'r flwyddyn. Rhai enghreifftiau yw, cadw eu hystafell wely yn daclus, gwneud mwy o ymarfer corff neu fwyta'n fwy iach.

Gwyliwch y clip ar y linc i glywed plant yn dweud eu haddunedau blwyddyn newydd.

Tasg - Ysgrifennwch addunedau blwyddyn newydd eich hun drwy gwblhau'r datganiadau sydd ar y balwnau.

Happy New Year!

Follow the link below to see how people celebrate the new year around the world.

On the the 1st of January, people like to make new year resolutions which are personal goals for them to work on throughout the year. Some examples are, keeping their bedroom tidy, doing more exercise or eating more healthily.

Watch the clip on the link to hear children giving their new year resolutions.

Task - Write your own new year resolutions by completing the statements from each balloon.

Gwaith ychwanegol / Extra work:

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh language Charter

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Dydd Mawrth 5/1/21

Tuesday 5/1/21

Llythrennedd / Literacy:



Click on the video clip of Mrs Griffiths Jones reminding you of the special friends 'igh'. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready as there will be spelling tasks to complete during the clip.


Task 1: Read the poem and look for the 5 words containing the special friends 'igh'.

Task 2: Read the 'igh' words below. Which ones are the correct 'igh' words and which are the nonsense 'igh' words? How many correct words are there?



Today we are going to do some work on commas. Can you remember what a comma is? A comma is a punctuation mark and we use commas in sentences.

This is what a comma looks like:

There are 3 reasons why we use commas. Look at the poster below:


Your writing task today will look at placing a comma in a sentence instead of using ‘and’ to list things. Watch the video to help you understand.

Task 3: Rewrite these sentences in your books or on paper and use commas instead of 'and' when writing the list. REMEMBER, you need to leave the last 'and' in to complete the sentence.

Don't forget to have neat, joined handwriting!

1) For my holiday I will need a towel and shorts and a hat and goggles.

2) Under the sofa I found an apple and twenty pence and a ticket and a brush.

3) At the zoo there were lions and bears and zebras and tigers and snakes.

4) Winter is cold and dark and wet and long and miserable.

5) The bike was new and red and shiny and fast.

6) Fruit is healthy and sweet and colourful and tasty.

7) Her children were called Robbie and Deena and David and Simon and Tim.

8) The shop sold fish and chips.

Additional task: Can you write another 3 sentences of your own?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg- Creu cyfansymiau:

Edrychwch ar y darnau arian isod er mwyn helpu chi gyda'r gwaith heddiw. Eich tasg yw creu'r cyfansymiau isod gan ddefnyddio'r darnau arian yn y llun yn unig. Dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3. Mae enghraifft yn y llun i chi.

Enghraifft: 34c = 20c, 10c, 2c a 2c Nid oes darn 30c.

Task - Creating totals:

Look at the different coins below in order to help you with your work today. Your task is to create the totals below using the coins in the picture below only. Choose option 1, 2 or 3. There is an example in the picture for you.

Example: 34p = 20p, 10p, 2p and 2p. There isn't a 30p piece.

Gweithgaredd ychwanegol / Additional task:

Beth am chwarae'r gêm yma?

How about playing this game?

Thema / Theme:

Llygredd plastig / Plastic pollution:

Gwyliwch y fideo hwn ble mae Syr David Attenborough yn dangos y niwed mae plastig yn ei wneud i’n planed.

Watch this video where Sir David Attenborough shows the damage plastic is doing to our planet.

Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod, sy’n dangos y ffyrdd y gall plastig fod yn niweidiol i'r amgylchedd.

Un ffordd i helpu i leihau’r defnydd o blastig, yw trwy ddefnyddio ‘bagiau am oes’ wrth siopa. Gellir defnyddio'r bagiau hyn llawer o weithiau.

Tasg: Dyluniwch ‘bag am oes’ sy’n annog eraill i ailgylchu a lleihau gwastraff plastig.

Defnyddiwch y banc geiriau i'ch helpu chi.

Look at the pictures below, showing the ways in which plastic can be harmful to the environment.

One way to help reduce the use of plastic, is by using ‘bags for life’ when shopping. These bags can be used several times.

Task: Design a ‘bag for life’ which encourages others to recycle and reduce plastic waste.

Use the word bank to help you.

The planet's future is in our hands.

Dydd Mercher 6/1/21

Wednesday 6/1/21

Llythrennedd / Literacy



Click on the video clip of Mrs Griffiths Jones reminding you of the special friends 'ee'. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready as there will be spelling tasks to complete during the clip.

Listen to Mrs Griffiths Jones explaining today's literacy tasks.


Task 1: Read the poem and look for the 5 words containing the special friends 'ee'. After reading the poem, draw a picture of what you visualised.

Task 2: Chooses one grapheme from each section to create words. How many correct words can you create? How many nonsense words can you create? What about placing them in a table?



In yesterday's lesson, we looked at using a comma to list.

Watch the video clip below to be reminded of the use of commas.

Today we will be concentrating on one of the other rules for using commas, which is to give us extra information about something or someone. Here is a nice simple sentence:

The mouse was happy when he found some cheese.

But if we want to up level our sentence, we could add more information. Can we give more information about the mouse? What about saying what size and colour the mouse was?

The mouse, who was small and brown, was happy when he found some cheese.

Have you noticed where we place the commas? You must remember to use commas before and after the extra information. Look again at the sentence.

Task 3: Below are three parts of a sentence. Choose a name (purple), extra information (red) and a procedure (green) to make sentences in your books.

Remember you need to place a comma before and after the red part (extra information).

Additional task: Can you think of sentences of your own?

Mathemateg / Mathematics

Adio arian: Defnyddiwch y dull colofnau er mwyn gweithio allan cost eitemau yn y siop. Mae rhai enghreifftiau isod. Dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3.

Adding money: Use the column method to work out the cost for the different items in the shop. There are some examples below. Choose option 1, 2 or 3.

Thema / Theme:

Calennig / New year celebration

Dewch i wylio'r fideo i weld sut oedd plant Cymru yn dathlu'r flwyddyn newydd amser maith yn ôl.

Watch the video to see how the children of Wales celebrated the new year a long time ago.

Rhan bwysig o’r dathlu oedd addurno afal. Byddai'r plant yn mynd a’r afal hwn gyda nhw o dŷ i dŷ ac fe fyddai'n cynrychioli lwc dda.

Fe fydden nhw'n gosod tri darn o bren ar waelod yr afal i wneud coesau. Byddai clofau (cloves) yn cael eu gosod yn yr afal a dail bytholwyrdd yn cael eu gosod ar ei ben.

Tasg: Gwnewch eich Calennig eich hunain gan ddefnyddio'r cyfarwyddiadau isod.

An important part of the celebration was decorating an apple. The children would take this apple with them from house to house and it would represent good luck.

They would place three sticks at the bottom of the apple to make legs. Cloves would be placed in the apple with evergreen leaves placed on top.

Task: Make your own ‘Calennig’ using the instructions below.

Gwneud calennig.pdf
Make a calennig.pdf

Dydd Iau / Thursday


Llythrennedd / Literacy:



Click on the video clip of Mrs Griffiths Jones reminding you of the special friends 'ir'. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready as there will be spelling tasks to complete during the clip.

Phonic Task:

Look at the pictures in the grid. They are words containing the sound 'ir'. Write down what they are.

Choose 3 pictures and write them in a sentence.

Listen to Mrs Griffiths Jones explaining today's literacy tasks.


Choose either 'A' or 'B' fact sheet form below and answer the questions in your book. Remember to show us on SeeSaw!

(To see the whole fact sheet, click the little square in the top right corner)






Today we will be learning about synonyms. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning:

Words such as happy, cheerful and merry.

Watch the PowerPoint below for the lesson and the two tasks. You will need to use the online Thesaurus during the tasks.

Here are the two tasks that were introduced during the PowerPoint to remind you.

Task 1:

Use the Thesaurus online to help you think of different words to use instead of the common word 'big' and the common word 'nice'.

Task 2:

Copy this passage in your books and change the adjective 'bad' for other synonyms that are on the bottom .

Use your best joined up handwriting.

Bad night.

Late one night I heard a bad noise - what could it be? Was it some bad creature doing a bad deed? As I went to investigate I could smell something bad, and I wondered what bad thing could have happened. All the bad things I could think of filled my mind, and as a I crept round the corner I saw a bad sight…

It was a ______________ !

dreadful horrible terrible awful evil gruesome nasty vile hideous

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Tasg: Dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3. Yna, trefnwch y prisoedd o'r lleiaf i'r mwyaf. Gallwch ddangos hyn drwy gopïo’r lluniau yn eich llyfr.

Task: Choose option 1, 2 or 3. Then, order the prices from the smallest to the largest. You can show this by copying the pictures in your book.

Gwyliwch y fideo i'ch atgoffa chi o mwy na, llai na neu yn hafal i.

< > a =

Tasg: Copïwch y cwestiynau isod yn eich llyfrau a rhowch y symbol cywir yn y bocs.

Watch the video to remind you of greater than, less than and equal to.

< > and =

Task: Copy the questions below into your books and put the correct symbol in the box.

Thema / Theme:

Cadw'n heini / Keeping fit

Heddiw, rydych am wneud 8 munud o ymarfer corff drwy ddilyn fideo Joe Wicks.

Cyn dechrau, sylwch pa mor araf yr ydych yn anadlu a'ch calon yn curo. Mae'r lluniau isod yn dangos sut i wneud hyn.

Ar ôl gorffen, sylwch fod eich anadl a churiad y galon wedi cyflymu.

Mae'r ymarfer corff yn cryfhau'r ysgyfaint (anadlu) a'r galon wrth wneud iddynt weithio'n galed.

Today, you are going to do 8 minutes of exercise, following Joe Wicks' video.

Before you start, notice how slowly you are breathing and your heart beating. The pictures below show how to do this.

When you have finished, notice that your breath and heart rate have accelerated.

Exercise strengthens the lungs (breathing) and heart as they work hard.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM / BGTM's Welsh language events:

Bydd Menter iaith BTGM yn cychwyn eu sesiynau 'Amser Chwarae' heddiw ar Zoom. Mae hyn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r Dosbarth Derbyn i Flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbyseb isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise will be holding Welsh Playtime sessions today on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the flyer below for more information.

Dydd Gwener / Friday


Llythrennedd / Literacy



Click on the video clip of Mrs Griffiths Jones reminding you of the special friends 'ay'. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready as there will be spelling tasks to complete during the clip.

Play this WordWall game which re-visits the 'special friends' we have covered during the week: ay, ee, igh, ir.

Remember that you have options to play more games on the Word Wall website once you've completed this first game.


What about completing a few levels on NESSY website?

Secret word : frosteddawn

(Please get in contact if you have trouble logging in to your account.)


Listen to Mrs Griffiths Jones explaining today's writing task.

7 January, 2021 - Loom Recording.mp4


Today you will use what you’ve learnt yesterday and put it in your writing. Your task is to re-write this short story using two different synonyms for the word written in bold. The online Thesaurus is there to help you if needed. Here is the story:

Here is an idea for how you could start:

It was a beautiful and fine day. I was feeling cheerful and jolly.

Additional work:

How about writing your own short story with synonyms under the title 'The day I met a spider'?

Mathemateg / Mathematics:

Gwyliwch y fideo o Miss Williams yn esbonio eich gwaith cyn dechrau.

Tasg- Cyfrifo newid: Dewiswch opsiwn 1, 2 neu 3 a chyfrifwch y newid. Defnyddiwch y dull cyfri ymlaen yn y llun isod. Gallwch wylio'r fideo isod i'ch atgoffa os hoffech chi.

Watch the video of Miss Williams explaining your work before starting.

Task- Calculating change: Choose option 1,2 or 3 and calculate the change. Use the counting on method in the picture below to help you. You can watch the video below to remind you if you like.


Thema / Theme:

Arlunio Angenfilod / Drawing Monsters

Gwyliwch y fideo hwn i ddysgu sut i arlunio angenfilod dychrynllyd gyda'r 'Criw Celf'.

Cofiwch rannu eich lluniau gyda ni ar 'Seesaw'. Os hoffech i'ch gwaith celf gael ei arddangos ar 'Instagram Celf' yr ysgol (#celfygc), e-bostiwch Miss Williams.

Watch this video to learn how to draw scary monsters with the 'Criw Celf' (Art Crew).

Remember to share your drawings with us on 'Seesaw'. If you would like your artwork displayed on the school's 'Art Instagram' (#celfygc), please email Miss Williams.
