Bringing science and technology together

Curriculum for Wales brings science and technology together in this Area, enabling learners to work across disciplinary boundaries and to develop an appreciation of the relevance of science and technology in their everyday lives.

Through developing skills, knowledge and values in this Area, learners will endeavour to drive change with a sense of collective responsibility and respect.

Understanding the nature of interconnected learning in science and technology will lead to a deeper understanding of the world. This will provide a firm foundation for learners to respond with creativity and innovation to the increasing challenges facing humanity.

“We are trying to mainstream science and technology as part of our culture.”

Professor Tom Crick

The Science and Technology area of learning and experience should provide learners with authentic and contextualised opportunities to develop their curiosity as they search for answers to emerging global problems. The Covid-19 pandemic illustrates the need for collaboration and the reliance on scientific and technological solutions at a local, national and international level.

Response and Reflection

  • Discuss the advantages of bringing science and technology together in this AoLE.

Science and technology leads development of systems and practical solutions and as such they are the creators of the future. Current societal changes are fast paced, demanding flexibility, invention and positivity to respond to rapidly changing lifestyles as well as environmental and economic demands.

With this in mind, consider how the learning offer needs to change in schools for this Area.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Abraham Lincoln

Response and Reflection

Here are a few examples of current societal and environmental changes. Consider these changes and the implications they will have for your learners in the future.

  • Which knowledge, skills and values do learners need as they lead developments and create innovative solutions to the challenges that will arise?

You may wish to consider additional changes, some of which might have particular relevance to your locality.

What is new?

In response to the rapid changes in the field of science and technology on a global level, Curriculum for Wales offers us as practitioners the opportunity to rethink our approaches to learning and teaching in this Area.

Here are some of the key principles which underpin the learning in this Area, and which will enable learners to progress towards the four purposes.

  • Learning about the commonalities across science and technology enables learners to transfer learning across the Area, make strong connections and lead to a deep understanding of the impact of science and technology on our daily lives.

  • Contextualising the learning through authentic experiences brings meaning and is essential for the application of knowledge, skills and understanding.

  • Rethinking computation so that data and algorithms cut across the Area and the curriculum itself prepares learners for future challenges in a data rich society.

  • Developing an ethical perspective when learning in Science and Technology will enable learners to make wise and informed decisions.

Response and Reflection

“Just because we can, does that mean we should?"

Curriculum for Wales

  • Reflect on this question.

  • How will you consider the ethical implications of developments in Science and Technology?

A vision for Science and Technology

As you reflect on the approach of bringing together science and technology, you may wish to start thinking about creating a vision for this Area.

Here are two examples of vision statements for Science and Technology, which express the ambition and aspirations for all learners.

Vision 1

To mainstream science and technology as part of our culture, where curiosity, inquiry and creativity is nurtured in the search for answers and improvement. All learners will develop an appreciation and understanding of ethics, to base and judge findings, discoveries and innovation.

Vision 2

Our vision is that learning about science and technology together will inspire our young people to be skilled critical thinkers, problem-solvers, collaborators, designers and innovators. Through an understanding of how our world works, our learners will enjoy discovery and ignite their creativity and imagination bringing value to a more equal and just society.

Response and Reflection

Consider and compare both visions:

  • Which words resonate with you and apply to your school or setting?

  • Which one do you favour and why?

  • Which words would you wish to include in a vision statement for Science and Technology in your school?

Working towards the four purposes in Science and Technology

Learning experiences in all Areas should provide opportunities for learners to progress towards the four purposes.

Response and Reflection

Consider the sentences in the resource on the right. They are adapted from the introduction to Science and Technology guidance.

  • To which of the four purposes is each sentence applicable?

Some may apply to more than one, which is a further example of the interconnected nature of Curriculum for Wales.

Consideration of the characteristics which lie beneath the headings of the four purposes will lead to an in-depth understanding of the vision of Curriculum for Wales. This discussion must take place within each Area.

Response and Reflection

Using the resource on the right, explore ways in which learning and experiences within Science and Technology will support the development of each of the characteristics.

What matters in Science and Technology

The essential learning required to realise the four purposes in each AoLE is encapsulated in the statements of what matters.

They provide the key concepts for learning from age 3 to 16.

There are six statements of what matters for Science and Technology, which are interdependent and should be addressed in a holistic manner.

Statements of what matters

Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena.

Design thinking and engineering offer technical and creative ways to meet society’s needs and wants.

The world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival.

Matter and the way it behaves defines our universe and shapes our lives.

Forces and energy provide a foundation for understanding our universe.

Computation is the foundation for our digital world.

The first statement of what matters in Science and Technology is about being curious and searching for answers. The learning from this statement permeates the other five statements and should be contextualised through the learning experiences across the Area.

Response and Reflection

Read the rationale for this statement of what matters and create a visual and/or textual representation which reflects your understanding of the learning required. Click on the link to view the rationales that accompany the statements of what matters.

🌐 Statements of what matters for Science and Technology

The same activity could be done with the other statements of what matters, in order to ensure a balanced interpretation of the interconnectedness of all six.

Creating your vision for Science and Technology

You may wish as a next step to start creating a shared vision for Science and Technology in your school or setting. This could be presented as a statement which will express your ambitions and aspirations for your learners.

Using your understanding of the vision for this Area and your reflections from the activities above, start putting some ideas together as a basis for discussion with your colleagues as you build your vision.

Response and Reflection

These questions may provide a useful starting point:

  • What really matters for your learners in your context?

  • What do you want your learners to remember about Science and Technology in their future lives?

  • How will the four purposes drive your vision?

Improving lives through Science and Technology

One final thought...

Learning within this Area can play a vital role in enabling learners to contribute to a better society by improving the quality of their lives and the lives of others. This will enhance their sense of responsibility, improve their well-being and increase their self-esteem as conscientious citizens of Wales and the world.

“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - that is to have succeeded.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson