What do we mean by a whole-school approach?

Curriculum for Wales is driven by the four purposes, which provide the foundation for all learning activities. It requires a holistic approach, where all members of the school community contribute to the development of the individual along the 3-16 continuum.

Key Principles

  • All learner experiences in the school should be planned to provide interconnected opportunities to develop the four purposes.

  • The needs of all learners are at the heart of decision-making at all levels.

  • All members of the school community should share a commitment and responsibility towards the integrated education of the learners.

  • Collaboration is necessary to enhance learning and deepen conceptual understanding.

Key considerations:

  1. Who do we mean when we talk of our whole school community?

  2. How can we ensure that all our staff is on board and committed to the vision provided by the four purposes?

  3. What opportunities are there for our staff to reflect on how a whole school approach can give the learner a more rounded, holistic education?

  4. What is the understanding of the benefits for the learner of a whole school approach to the curriculum?

  5. How can we plan to ensure that as a whole school we provide a comprehensive education to all our learners?