Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

“The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 creates a legislative framework to improve the planning and delivery of additional learning provision, through a person-centred approach to identifying needs early, putting in place effective support and monitoring, and adapting interventions to ensure they deliver desired outcomes. The legal framework established by this Act will play a crucial role in enabling the curriculum to deliver strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being . It seeks to allow for a broadening of learning, ensuring that all learners with additional learning needs (ALN) are supported to overcome barriers to learning and achieve their full potential.”

Curriculum for Wales guidance January 2020.

Key Principles

Effective Learning Organisations which are inclusive will:

  • Identify and audit the number and type of ALN learners.

  • Use Person centred practice to place learners at the heart of learning to deliver ‘what’s important to and for them.’

  • Have a clear vision for how their curriculum meets all learner needs underpinned by the four purposes. Have an agreed understanding of what they mean for learners with ALN.

  • Use a range of appropriate pedagogies underpinned by the twelve pedagogical principles. Provide suitably differentiated learning opportunities that match the needs of learners.

  • Collaborate with partners to create holistic approaches to learning including other schools, relevant agencies and wider professionals

  • Ensure first-hand experiences and authentic learning contexts that lead to meaningful learning.

  • Provide a rich range of targeted interventions detailed in their provision map including those that are continuous overtime (not related to a specific pupil /cohort) and which are similar to those in other schools. Such provision will be considered part of school / class level differentiation.

Key considerations:

  1. What evidence is there that all our staff share an understanding of Person Centred Practice, and how to develop One Page Profiles?

  2. How do our staff contribute towards, and appreciate their influence upon the Curriculum co-construction process?

  3. How do you ensure that all learners access each AoLE e.g.

  • Visually impaired learners, hearing impaired pupils, deaf blind learners?

  • Learners with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

  • Learners who have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

  • Learners with communication, speech and language difficulties?

  • Learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)?

  1. What do the four purposes mean for our learners with ALN? How can we develop a shared understanding of this amongst learners and staff?

  2. How do we ensure that all staff understand that assessment is intrinsic to curriculum design, and its overarching purpose within the curriculum is to support every learner to make progress?

  3. How have we developed an understanding of the 12 pedagogical principles and to what extent do staff recognise that these provide equity for all learners?

  4. How do we ensure staff have the knowledge and skills about how to provide practical support in the classroom to meet a range of learner needs?

  5. How do we ensure strategic decisions relate to what works /doesn’t work in relation to our provision map – interventions for a range of learners.

  6. What professional learning opportunities have we provided staff in order to engage in research to improve their skills to provide inclusive teaching and learning experiences?