Mariela Telix Lozano

Added Spring 2023

Open Access Scholarly Article 

Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Trauma-Informed, Critical Race Perspective on School Discipline
Author:  Stacey Dutil
Date: April 4, 2023
Published in: August 24, 2020

Many schools are adopting the Trauma- informed practice with their students. It is a more ethical and affective alternative than the traditional way of disciplining students and overlooking their mental health state and personal circumstances. Evidence shows that children especially children of color who are exposed to childhood trauma are more susceptible to get in trouble at school. This should be looked at from a trauma informed perspective to better and more affectively help students become successful in school and in the future. 

Mental Health Disorders
Author: Cleveland Health Clinic
Date: 5/03/2023
Published in: 2023

Mental health disorders affect the way you think and behave. There are over 200 mental health disorders. If you are going to be working with many different people and children it is good to know how to identify at least some of the common ones. Most mental health disorders are not noticeable to the average person so as a social worker being able to determine if somebody needs assistance with mental health is crucial. The first step in doing that is being able to identify some health disorders.