Cayla Mayer

Added Spring 2023

Open Access Scholarly Article 

How do ADHD children perceive their cognitive, affective, and behvaioral aspects of anger expression in school settings?  
Author:  Ghanizadeh A., Haghighi H. B.
Date: Janurary 5, 2010
Published in: Child and Adolescent Psychiarty and Mental Health

The authors’ purpose is to compare anger dimensions in children and young adolescents with ADHD with a control group. This study uses 67 participants ages nine to fifteen with a diagnosis of ADHD, and 91 randomly selected participants with no ADHD diagnosis to act as a control group. Data was collected through self-surveys measuring The School Anger Experience Index, The Hostile Outlook, The School Anger Expression Index (Positive Coping), and the School Anger Expression Index (Destructive Expression) completed by the participants and their parents. The study found no difference between the anger components measured, but found that the participants with diagnosed ADHD have a more hostile outlook towards school and have weaker coping strategies. This article builds off the knowledge of 31 other sources and utilizes well-known and commonly used anger indexes to gather their data. 

Freely Available Resource 

Data and Statistics About ADHD 
Date: August 9, 2022
Published in: Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a reputable source, using data from parent surveys and healthcare claims to provide statistics regarding ADHD in children. More specifically, this source reports the numbers of children diagnosed with ADHD in the U.S according to age and other demographics. It also reports changes in these numbers over time, coexisting disorders, and statistics regarding the number of children receiving treatment as well as treatment types. This source sites three additional references, and is useful for clinicians working with children with diagnosed, or suspected ADHD.