Kathy Zamora

Added Spring 2023

Open Access Scholarly Article 

Facing Racism and Sexism in Science by Fighting Against Social Implicit Bias: A Latina and Black Woman’s Perspective
Author(s): Karin C. Calazal, Fátima C. S. Erthal, Mirtes G. Pereira, Kita C. D. Macario, Verônica T. Daflon, Isabel P. A. David, Helena C. Castro6, Maria D. Vargas, Laura B. Martins, Jasmin B. Stariolo, Eliane Volchan and Leticia de Oliveira
Date: July 16, 2021
Published in: Frontiers in Psychology 

Through the lens of Black and Latina academic journal authors, their study brings awareness to the racial and gender gap in the academic community. Implicit bias is discussed as a factor of racial and gender disparities among Black, Brown, and women of color within research positions, Ph.D. candidates, and health professionals, perpetuating stereotypes in academic research findings. The authors bring attention to people in power such as editors and reviewers of scientific journals, funding agencies, research institutions, and members of selection committees to reexamine their implicit bias to improve the participation of women of color. This article considers how implicit bias negatively impacts research, and consequently prevents communities from culturally sensitive research in science. As social workers, educators, and advocates we must support the Black and Latina authors' call for action of more diverse scholars and research environments to embrace cultural diversity in the field of academia. 

Freely Available Resource

Gender Support Plan
Date: 2019
Published in: Gender Spectrum

To create a gender-inclusive school environment, a student’s gender-related needs must acknowledge and the school must understand its role to provide The Gender Support Plan is similar to an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), where a student’s disability is identified under the law in order for the student to be supported in their school curriculum, the school must provide specialized instruction or related services. Rather than documenting a student’s learning or mental disability, the gender support plan holds the school accountable for when students wish to communicate about their gender at school. The Gender Support plan is a commitment to a student’s success at school, the form is a shared document with parents, students, and school staff about the student’s gender-related needs to be met.