Ariel Cassell

Date added: May 12th,2023

Open Access Scholarly Article
Author: Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, James Taylor and Corinne Renguette
Date: January 21,2020
Published in: Frontiers in Education

This journal stresses the importance of having the conversation about attendance and absenteeism in our school systems. The authors touched on topics surrounding what the true definition of some of the terminology that is being used is as well as the importance of trying to change the way schools are currently collecting their data on this topic. The studies have shown that students who are engaged in school are less likely to experience truancy and students who are constantly experiencing absenteeism is going to continue to have it be a pattern over time. The authors have listed a couple different methods of intervention to fix this issue and the biggest ones being used were the Evaluation and Support Program (ESP) and Civility, Order, Respect and Excellence (CORE). The ESP program is used to try to steer away from the expulsion method with the students and steer towards trying to help them re enter in the school community instead of isolating them even more. The CORE program is a tiered method based on changing the framework from absenteeism to facilitating workshops for the youth based on different criteria like anger management, conflict resolution, drug education, restorative justice,etc… The authors believe that the school systems aren’t being effective enough on working towards a better solution to absenteeism, but implementing different restorative programs in the schools are a big first step. 

Freely Available Resource

Author: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Date: September 29th,2022
Published in: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)has taken a special interest in addressing substance abuse in youth due to the increased behavioral risks as well as the decrease in their health, both mental and physical. The CDC is considering "high-risk substance use" to be misuse of prescription drugs, use of illicit drugs and use of injection drugs. They have stated that about 15% of high school students have admitted to using illicit or injection drugs and 14% admitted to misusing prescription drugs. There are many factors that contribute to playing a part in leading a person to be considered high-risk with substance use like family history with drug use, mental health issues, low academic achievement, etc... I liked how the CDC included ways to help prevent more students from using drugs and it all circled back to having good support systems whether it be at home,work,school,etc...