Sarah, Plain and Tall

Anchor Text

Sarah, Plain and Tall

by Patricia MacLachlan

Genre - Historical Fiction

Paired Text - Wagons of the Old West

Genre - Informational Text

Essential Question:

What was life on the prairie like for the pioneers?

Reading Goals

Target Skills - story structure, point of view

Target Strategy - monitor/clarify

Fluency - intonation


base words and -ed, -ing

Skill Links

Cinderella Story Structure Interactive

Base Word Baseball

Language Goals

Spelling - words with -ed, -ing

coming swimming dropping tapping

taping invited saving stared

planned changing joking loved

gripped tasted making stopped

freezing scared


Strategy - prefix non-

prairie - a treeless, grass-covered plain in the Midwest

slick - having a smooth, glossy, or slippery surface

fetch - to go after and bring back somebody or something

clattered - made a loud rattling noise

buzzing - making a low, humming sound

sniff - breathe in through the nose to see how something smells

rough - having a bumpy, knobby, or uneven surface

batted - struck at something

thumped - hit in a way that made a loud dull sound

rustle - a swishing or soft cracking sound

Skill Links


adverbs that compare

Skill Links

Comparing Adverbs

Quia: Comparative/Superlative Adverbs

Degrees of Adverbs

Jeopardy Adverbs


Focus Trait - ideas

Writing Type - Narrative (fictional narrative paragraph)

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