
Weekly updates and announcements aimed primarily at School Test Coordinators will be published here.
Alerts with a link to these updates will be emailed to School Test Coordinators when necessary.
Previous year updates are available via the navigation above.


State Testing Windows

Testing EL Students Who Enroll After May 1

This is a reminder that you are not required to administer state assessments to active EL students who enroll in the district after May 1. This includes students who were previously enrolled, left the district, and then re-enrolled after May 1. An easy way to think about this is that ODE essentially takes a snapshot of students enrolled on May 1. If students leave prior to May 1 or after May 1, then they would not be included in the participation calculations. The exception to this is the ELPA Screener. New potential EL students should be screened no matter when they enroll. Student inclusion rules for EL students may be found in the TAM on page 74.

State Testing Schedules

If you have not done so already, please send your testing schedule information to Tom Luba. Technology Services is looking to find the best time to make some changes to the WiFi in buildings and prefer to to so when the least amount of testing is taking place. The change is not expected to cause any disruptions but TS would ike to be extra careful.

Student Starts Test and Parent Delivers Opt-Out or Requests Exemption

In the event that a student begins a test and then the parent/guardian opts-out or requests an exemption from state assessment, you should stop testing the student and block the subject in TIDE. New this year, these circumstances are considered a testing impropriety. That means you must complete a Potential Testing Impropriety Initial Form. You may find a link to the form on this website in the Forms section.

Audio on Tests

This is a reminder that the Smarter Balanced ELA  CAT has embedded audio so students will need to be provided with headphones for that test. If a student has text-to-speech as a support on the math, science and/or the ELA PT they will need headphones for that as well.

Communicating with Parents and Families About Smarter Balanced and OSAS Science

Please do what you can at your school to inform parents about state testing dates in advance of testing. Families play a key part in helping to get their students ready for testing with practice tests, a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast before school. Letters or emails can help. Posting test dates on your school website is a good practice. Use Remind and/or other communication methods to let families know. Flyers and letter templates are available on this website in the Resources section.


State Testing Windows

Testing EL Students Who Enroll After May 1

This is a reminder that you are not required to administer state assessments to active EL students who enroll in the district after May 1. This includes students who were previously enrolled, left the district, and then re-enrolled after May 1. An easy way to think about this is that ODE essentially takes a snapshot of students enrolled on May 1. If students leave prior to May 1 or after May 1, then they would not be included in the participation calculations. The exception to this is the ELPA Screener. New potential EL students should be screened no matter when they enroll. Student inclusio rules for EL students may be found in the TAM on page 74.

Paper Opt-Outs and Exemptions from Testing

Opt-outs and exemption from testing forms are required by ODE to be kept on file at the District office plus we need them to rectify accountability in the ODE system at the end of the year. When you receive paper forms, please be sure and send a copy to Tom Luba. It is ok to hold on to them and send in bulk later. Copies are needed sometime on or before the end of the test windows.

Check Test Completions and Expirations!

Test Results Available in OSAS Portal, Synergy and DCA

If you are looking for test scores, they are being posted regularly in the three locations. You can find results using the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) in the OSAS Portal, checking in Synergy or looking them up in DCA. DCA has a number of reports focused on state assessments and you can also create your own query. 

Note the following:


State Testing Windows

ELPA Summative and Alt ELPA Window Closing Soon

The ELPA test window closes April 12. That is less than 2 weeks away. Please be sure that you test all of your currently enrolled active EL students by the deadline. See the section below for instructions for checking completions in TIDE. Also, be aware that students never leave TIDE. If a student has left the district, they will still show up in TIDE.  Obvisously, you 

Opt-Out and Exemption From State Testing

Paper forms are currently available. Forms may be downloaded for printing here on this website in the Forms section and also on the general HSD website here. There is not an electronic online opt-out option this year due to some security risks that are possible with that method. So, we are back to paper forms. Please be sure and send a copy of all completed forms to Tom Luba. You can send in interoffice mail or scan and email to Tom. Also, Test Coordinators should Block Subjects in TIDE for any student who has an opt-out or exemption.

Student Starts Test and Parent Delivers Opt-Out or Requests Exemption

As you may know, if a student begins a test and then the parent/guardian opts-out or requests an exemption, you should stop testing the student and block the subject in TIDE. However, new this year, these circumstances are considered a testing impropriety. That means you must complete a Potential Testing Impropriety Initial Form. You may find a link to the form on this website in the Forms section.

Who May Administer the Alt ELPA?

Please do not forget that the Alt ELPA may ONLY be administered by licensed staff. Also know that there must be two licensed staff present during testing.  Refer to the Alt ELPA module in the online training and to the Alt ELPA section on this website for details on administration.

How To Check Test Completions and Expirations

Audio on Tests

This is a reminder that the Smarter Balanced ELA  CAT has embedded audio so students will need to be provided with headphones for that test. If a student has text-to-speech as a support on the math, science and/or the ELA PT they will need headphones for that as well.

Non-Test Administrators

If you have staff who may be in a room where students are testing, but are not trained TA's and are not directly engaged in administering assessments, that is perfectly fine. However, these folks need to first read and sign a Non-Test Administrator Assurance of Test Security form. You may find a link to the form on the Forms page of this website. A copy of the completed form must be sent to Tom Luba at the AC. You can scan them to an email or send in inter-office mail.

TA Account Activations

Test Administrators (TAs) must submit an Assurance of Test Security form, located in the Exit Ticket module of their online training  to be assigned an account in the OSAS Portal. Activating accounts may take up to 3 days so be sure that your TAs plan ahead with their training. When we create a new TA account, an email goes out from Cambium Assessments with login information. Please remind your TAs that the email may end up in junk or clutter. If they cannot find the email, they can go to the login page in the OSAS Portal and use the forgot password link to activate their account. In addition, if a staff member had an account for administering the ELPA Screener, the Cambium system does not send another email if we add another test group to an existing account. 

SEED Survey

The window for administering the SEED Survey has been set by the district. More info to come to you and school administrators about that soon.  In addition, a new section to this website has been created specific to the SEED Survey. Click the link to go there.


State Testing Windows

ELA, Math and Science Test Window Open for Grade 11 

The testing window for summative assessments at the high school level is now open. High Schools are welcome to begin testing grade 11 students. Please be aware that the earlier you test, the less instructional content students have been taught, which may result in lower test scores..

Opt-Out and Exemption From State Testing

Paper forms are currently available. Forms may be downloaded for printing here on this website in the Forms section and also on the general HSD website here. Please be sure and send a copy of all forms to Tom Luba. You can send in interoffice mail or scan and email to Tom. Also, Test Coordinators should Block Subjects in TIDE for any student who has an opt-out or exemption.



State Testing Windows

Connect With Your TAs!!

All School Test Coordinators should be sure to connect with staff in your buildings who will potentially be administering state assessments. Staff need to know who their Go-To Person is in your buildings. The School Test Coordinators is responsible for making sure all Test Administrators are properly trained and that they know where to go for assistance. You should be providing them with the invite link to their online training. Please be sure and connect with your TAs and provide guidance on training and support.

Training Your Test Administrators

The process for TA training should be as follows:

Class code: hoxtmq3
Invite link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjMzMTg5NDYwNTE1?cjc=hoxtmq3

As an alternative, School Test Coordinators have the option of doing all of the training in-person using the videos in each module from the TA Google Classroom website.

We will be checking the Assurance forms 2-3 times each week and creating/updating accounts in the portal based on submission of the form. Our assumption will be that if a TA submits the form, they have complete ALL of the required training detailed above in steps 1-3. Test Coordinators, please be sure and instruct your TAs that they should not submit an Assurance form until they have completed ALL the required training.

ELPA Summative Window Open

The ELPA Summative assessment window opened on January 9. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin to test students:

How to Find Students Eligible for ELPA Summative Testing

Want a quick list of students who are currently active ELs in TIDE?  This is helpful for knowing  which students in your building  need to be administered ELPA Summative.  It is also a good way to check and make sure TIDE data is accurate. If a student has not been made an active EL in Synergy, then they will not show up on this list in TIDE.  Here are the steps to run the report in TIDE:

This list can be exported to your computer as an Excel file by clicking the small icon with the arrow pointing down under the "Search Students" header.

ELPA Testing, EL Status and OSAS Portal Accounts

In order to administer the ELPA Summative to students, two things must be in place:

Our schedule for uploading student records to ODE is Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. If you have a new district enrollment or re-enrollment, it can take up to 7 business days for the student's record to populate to TIDE. In addition, each year there are instances where students' EL status has not been updated in Synergy. The result is that when a TA goes to test the student, the system will not allow it because their EL Status in TIDE is set to "No."

Here are some tips to help you make sure you can administer the ELPA to students without problems:


State Testing Windows

OSAS Portal / TIDE Accounts

This is a reminder to be sure that Test Coordinators and Test Administrators submit an Assurance of Test Security form when training is complete. The form is located in the Exit Ticket module of each Google Classroom. That form is my trigger for creating accounts in TIDE. Also, be aware that if a staff member already has an account for the ELPA Screener, and they train and add other test groups such as ELPA Summative, ELA, Math or Science Summative assessments, We will add the appropriate test group to their account when we receive the assurance form. However, no emails are generated to those users when adding test groups to an existing account. TAs should be encouraged to check their accounts before starting a test session to make sure that they have the appropriate test groups on their account.

ELPA Summative Test Window Opens Soon!

The ELPA Summative test window opens on January 9 for grades K-12. Be sure that the staff who will be administering ELPA have access to the Google Classroom TA training site so they may complete that portion of their training. If you need the invite link / course code for the training again, please email Tom Luba.

Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) Accessibility Worksheets

The OAM has been completely revised this year. It is in a far more user-friendly format. A new addition to the OAM are individual student worksheets. These may be used to document supports and/or accommodations students will need for testing.  This link will take you to a folder where we have prepared fillable PDF versions of the forms. Feel free to download copies to your drive and use them in your buildings to help facilitate the documentation and transfer of information to TAs regarding testing supports. If you have any questions, contact Tom Luba.


State Testing Windows

In-Person Training via Google Meet

The next opportunity to attend the "in-person" training (via Google Meet) is scheduled for December 13, 3:30 - 5:00 PM.  If you are registered, please do your best to attend as there are no more seceduled dates remaining. If, for some reason, you end up not being able to attend (I do understand that stuff happens in buildings...), please contact me, Tom Luba, via email so we can work something out.

Completing School Test Coordinator Training

Test Coordinators, please do not forget that we cannot activate your account in the OSAS Portal/TIDE until you have completed all portions of your training, including the online portion in Google Classroom. If you have attended an "in-person" session but have not yet finished the online portion, please try and get that done as soon as possible. If you have misplaced the invite link to the online training, send Tom Luba an email. My notice to activate your account is when you submit an Assurance of Test Security form. The form is located in the Exit Ticket folder of the online training.

Opt-Out and Exemptions from State Testing Forms

Opt-out forms (Smarter Balanced ELA and Math and the SEED Survey) and Request for Exemption from State Testing forms (Science and ELPA) are now available in PDF form on the Forms page of this website and on the HSD main website. We are still working on the online opt-out and exemption forms and Test Coordinators will be notified when ready. In the meantime, if parents wish to opt-out or exempt their student, please direct them to the paper (PDF) forms. It is also a good idea to print some and have them available in school main offices.

SEED Survey Notice and Participation Form

There is a new survey that we are required to offer to students and parents this year. SEED stands for Student Educational Equity Development Survey. The ODE website with information and resources is located HERE. The survey is designed to gather information about student educational experiences. Parents and students may opt-out at any time either verbally or in writing. Links to opt-out forms are available on the Forms page of this website and on the HSD website. More information about SEED will be shared later. The survey window does not open until March 5, 2024.


Nothing new this week.... Check previous weeks for important info.

State Testing Windows


State Testing Windows

Test Coordinator/Administrator Training

SEED Survey Training Materials Available

The SEED Survey training materials are now available. They have been added to the Test Coordinator and Test Administrator online training in Google Classroom. Below are links to the training materials and other important resources:


State Testing Windows

ODE has established testing widows for the 2023-2024 school year as follows:

SEED Survey Administration Manual

ODE has published the SEED Survey Administration Manual. A copy is linked HERE and a linl has been added to Modue 9 of your online training . All School Test Coordinators are required to review the manual as part of your training. More to come on SEED Survey later.

Test Coordinator/Administrator Training (repeat)

Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Webinar (recommended for STCs)

The Oregon Department of Education in partnership with Cambium Assessment will be hosting a webinar to walk through the TIDE user system. A recording will be made available after the second session. To register, follow the link below:


Welcome HSD School Test Coordinators!

Welcome all School Test Coordinators to another year of state testing.  I am excited to be working to support you and your schools as we move into the testing season. To get things started, below is some important information regarding state testing for the 2023-2024 school year:

Kindergarten Assessment

There is no Kindergarten Assessment again this school year! The state is working on a replacement product for the KA but for this year, we are off the hook.

Test Coordinator/Administrator Training

State Assessment Website

We are in the process of updating this site with all 2023-2024 information. Sections that are still under construction will be noted as such. If you are looking for a testing resource and cannot find it here, please contact Tom Luba.

Technology Support

The site tech assigned to your building is available to help you support the technical end of state testing. That includes issues you may encounter with student Chromebooks, testing headsets, etc. If you are unsure who your site tech is, here is a document with those details. On that document, the "Tech Support Professional" column shows which site tech is assigned to which school(s). The "TS3" column indicates the district-based Tech Support 3 assigned to each feeder.

We have contacted site techs asking them to complete and submit a non-test administrator assurance of test security form for this school year.

State Testing Windows

ODE has established testing widows for the 2023-2024 school year as follows:

ELPA Screener

Screening with the ELPA Screener is underway and has been since right at the start of the school year.  There are currently 86 trained staff throughout the district who have been administering the screener in your buildings. You should be aware of who is trained, however, if not, here is a link to the spreadsheet containing all staff who have TA accounts in the portal and have been assigned the screener test group. If you have additional staff who need to be trained to administer the screener, please direct them to Tom Luba for the training invite code.  Please be aware that screener training DOES NOT qualify staff to administer other state assessments. Staff who are trained screeners must complete the regular TA training to be able to administer any other state assessment, including the ELPA Summative.