SBA Interim Assessments

This document is provided by the Smarter Balanced Consortium and is a good introduction to the assessments. The document includes grade level claims and targets for each of the assessments.

This Interim Assessment Guide for Administration developed by the Smarter Balanced Consortium is intended for staff who play a role in the administration of, and review of results for, the ELA and Mathematics interim assessments. 

(Provided by the Smarter Balanced Consortium)

This Playbook describes how educators may use Smarter Balanced resources, such as Tools for Teachers and Interim Assessments, to support high quality instruction using the formative assessment process. 

ODE Interim Assessment Materials

Interim Administration Guide​
This Interim Assessment Guide for Administration is intended for staff who play a role in the administration of, and review of results for, the ELA and Mathematics interim assessments.

​​Understanding the Interim Assessment System (Video)
​​This short video explores and explains different components of the ELA and Mathematics Interim Assessment System. In this video, you will learn about the three types of interim assessments, the different ways interims can be used to inform instruction, how to determine which interim to give, and about Tools for Teacher (Smarter Balanced Connections Playlist) associated with interim assessments and how they can be used to support students, plan instruction, and take action.​

ELA and Mathematics Interim Assessment Overview​
​​This document describes the interim assessments, including their purpose, use, and varieties. For each grade and subject, this document provides a list of all interim assessments available for the 2020-21 school year.​

Assessment Resources Use Chart​
​This document provides a side-by-side comparison of training tests, practice tests, and interim assessments to help teachers decide which tool best fits their needs.

​​​Quick Guide to Administering Interim Assessments Remotely​
This document describes how test administrators (TAs) can remotely administer the interim assessment and how students may access and participate in an interim assessment.​

ODE 3-12 Prioritized ELA Standards and Oregon ELA Interim Assessment Block Crosswalk
This document describes the connections between the different types of interim assessments available within the Interim Assessment System, and the ODE Condensed Priority Standards for the 2020 – 21 school year by their assigned targets and standards. This guidance does not stand alone but is to be used in conjunction with all Oregon ELA standards and CDL Supporting Resources​

ODE Interim Assessment Professional Development

Session 1: Understanding a Balanced Assessment System

Facilitation Guide​, PowerPoint​, PowerPoint with Audio​​

​Session 2: Oregon Interim Assessment Overview

Facilitation Guide​, PowerPoint​, PowerPoint with Audio​​

​Session 3A (ELA): Using Interim Assessments During Instruction

Facilitation Guide, PowerPoint​, PowerPoint with Audio

​Session 3B (Math): Using Math Interim Assessments in the Context of Instruction

​Facilitation Guide, PowerPoint​, PowerPoint with Audio

​Session 4: Interim Assessment Administration - Guidance and Support

Facilitation Guide, PowerPoint​, PowerPoint with Audio

​Session 5: Accessing Data from the Interim Assessment System 

Facilitation Guide, PowerPoint​​, PowerPoint with Audio

Session 6: Tools for Teachers​

Facilitation Guide, PowerPoint​​, PowerPoint with Audio​

Interim Assessment Training Requirements

The District Test Coordinator (Tom Luba) or the School Test Coordinator will need to apply the “Interim” Test Group in TIDE to each user that will administer the interim assessments. Users will not be able to administer the interim assessments if the Test Group permission is not assigned to their TA user account.

If the TA is a returning user from 2019-20, there are no additional requirements required to apply the “Interim” Test Group other than Module – 8. However, if an educator does not have a 2019-20 TA user role or has transitioned to HSD this year, they must complete the reading requirements in Table 5 of the Test Administration Manual and the ODE-provided training modules 2 – 4 and 8.

For those who are required to engage in the TA training (modules 2 - 4 and 8), please access Google Classroom and use the following course code to gain access to the training: 

Interim Assessment Centralized Reporting System

How to Access the Centralized Reporting System