
Tier 1

  1. Day of Play

    1. Thursdays

  2. Game Times

    1. 1st game 4:00

    2. 2nd game (if applicable) 5:30

  3. Length of Play

    1. 4 quarters, 10 minutes stopped time each quarter

    2. 1 minute between quarters

    3. 5 minute half time

    4. 2 minute overtime if necessary

    5. No shot clock in effect

  4. Ball

    1. Boys - Size 7

    2. Girls - Size 6

  5. Time Outs

    1. 2 in first half

    2. 3 in second half

    3. 1 in overtime

    4. 1 minute each

  6. Court Markings

    1. Wide key

    2. 3-point line in effect

  7. Defense

    1. Man to Man or Zone defense is permitted

    2. Full court press up to a 20 point lead

  8. Miscellaneous

    1. Substitutions are allowed on any whistle

    2. Ref handles the ball on every whistle

    3. Ball is inbounded at the closest point of exit

    4. Technical fouls result in one free throw attempt + possession of the ball

    5. In the event that a rule is not covered here, Horizon Athletics Aims to mirror all South Zone rules (

Tier 2

  1. Day of Play

    1. Wednesdays

  2. Game Times

    1. 1st game 4:00

    2. 2nd game (if applicable) 5:30

  3. Length of Play

    1. 3 on 3 exhibition games (1 on each end of the court) are 8 minutes (running time)

    2. 3 minute break

    3. Regular games are 4 quarters, 8 minute stopped time each quarter

    4. 1 minute between quarters

    5. 3 minute half time

    6. 2 minute stopped time overtime if necessary

    7. No shot clock in effect

  4. Ball

    1. Boys - Size 6

    2. Girls - Size 6

  5. Time Outs

    1. 3 in regulation time

    2. 1 in overtime

    3. 1 minute each

  6. Court Markings

    1. Wide key

    2. 3-point line in effect

    3. Free Throw line marked by tape 0.5m closer

  7. Defense

    1. Man to Man or Zone defense is permitted

    2. Full court press only in the 2nd half and only up to a 20 point lead

  8. Miscellaneous

    1. Substitutions are allowed on any whistle

    2. Ball is inbounded at the ​closes point of exit

    3. Technical fouls result in one free throw attempt + possession of the ball

    4. In the event that a rule is not covered here, Horizon Athletics Aims to mirror all South Zone rules (

  9. 3 on 3 Details

    1. Coaches divide their players into two teams

    2. No score is kept during 3 on 3 as this is for exhibition only

    3. 3 on 3 games run for 8 minutes (run time)

    4. Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine first possession of the ball

    5. The ball must be "checked" by an opposing player at the top of the 3 point line before play can begin

    6. The ball will change possession after a made field goal or a violation by the offensive team (travelling, double dribble, ball out of bounds) and will need to be "checked"

    7. Non shooting fouls by the defense will result in the offense maintaining possession and the ball being "checked"

    8. Shooting fouls will result in 1 free throw and possession of the ball

    9. Technical, Intentional and flagrant fouls will result in 1 free throw, possession of the ball and a substitution for the offending player

    10. Balls knocked out of bounds by the defense will be "checked"

    11. The ball will be "taken back" on each change of possession (steals or rebounded missed shots). "Taking it back" means bringing both feet and the ball behind anywhere on the 3 point line. Failure to "take it back" results in loss of possession and any points just scored.

    12. In a jump ball situation, the ball will go to the team on defense

    13. Substitutions may be made during a time-out or before any ball is "checked"

    14. Each team is allowed 1 time out per 3 on 3 game (the clock does NOT stop during time outs)