School Resource Officer

The Mission of the Holliston Police Department School Resource Division is, to provide a school environment that is free of crime as well as the fear of crime and to allow the school staff and students the ability to achieve their education goals without distraction. The School Resource Officer (SRO) works closely with school staff, social agencies, students and parents and is included in all major discussions related to school safety. The SRO is there to assist the administration and faculty in formulating criminal justice programs that will continue to keep the students of Holliston safe.

The Holliston Police School Resource Officer provides services to the Holliston High School, Robert H. Adams Middle School, Placentino and Miller Elementary Schools. The office of the School Resource Officer is located at the Holliston High School.

We encourage you to get to know your SRO, ask questions and talk with the officer about what is happening in and around your schools.

Meet our school resource officers

Officer Michael Woods

SRO Wood's office is located at the Adams Middle School

323 Woodland Street, Holliston MA

Officer Hannah Ciavarra

SRO Ciavarra's office is located at the Holliston High School

370 Hollis Street, Holliston MA

What is a School Resource Officer?

A school resource officer is a certified law enforcement officer who is permanently assigned to provide coverage to a school or a set of schools. The SRO is specifically trained to perform three roles:

1. law enforcement officer

2. law-related counselor

3. law-related education teacher

The SRO is not necessarily a DARE officer (although many have received such training), security guard, or officer who has been placed temporarily in a school in response to a crisis situation, but rather acts as a comprehensive resource for his/her school.

The SRO's have several duties at their schools, but their primary objectives are to protect the school, staff and students, prevent drug and alcohol abuse, and to prevent juvenile delinquency through close contact with students and school personnel. The SRO's investigate delinquent acts within the school system and crimes within the community that are school related. The SRO's are also responsible to improve the image of the uniformed law enforcement officer in the eyes of the students and community.

School Safety Tips

Ten Important Back-to-School School Safety Tips

  1. Teach your children to always TAKE A FRIEND with them when walking or biking, and stay with a group while standing at the bus stop. Make sure they know which bus to ride.

  2. Walk the route to and from school with your children pointing out landmarks and safe places to go if they are being followed or need help. Teach your children they should NEVER TAKE SHORTCUTS and always stay in well lighted areas.

  3. It is not safe for young children to walk to and from school, even in a group. Parents should always provide supervision for young children to help ensure their safe arrival to and from school. If your children wait for a bus, wait with them or make arrangements for supervision at the bus stop.

  4. Teach your children that if anyone bothers them, makes them feel scared or uncomfortable to trust their feelings and immediately get away from that person. Teach them it is ok not to be polite and IT IS OK TO SAY NO.

  5. Teach your children if anyone tries to take them somewhere they should RESIST by kicking and screaming, try to run away and DRAW ATTENTION by kicking and screaming “This person is trying to take me away” or “This person is not my father/mother”.

  6. Teach your children NOT TO ACCEPT A RIDE from anyone unless you have said it is ok. If anyone follows them in a vehicle they should turn around, go in the other direction, and run to a trusted adult who may help them.

  7. Teach your children that grownups should NOT ASK CHILDREN FOR DIRECTIONS, they should ask other adults.

  8. Teach your children to NEVER ACCEPT MONEY OR GIFTS from anyone unless you have told them it is ok to accept in each instance.

  9. Make sure the school has current and accurate emergency contact information on file for your children and confirm names of those authorized.

  10. Always know where your children will be. Teach your children to always CHECK FIRST before changing their plans before or after school. Teach your children to never leave school with anyone unless they CHECK FIRST with you or another trusted adult.