
Psychosis is a general term used to describe a mental health issue in which a person experiences changes in thinking, perception, mood and behaviour which can severely disrupt their life. By definition, psychosis involves the person losing some touch with commonly accepted reality, though the extent of this may vary. For a person affected by psychosis, relationships, work and self-care can be difficult to initiate or maintain.

The main psychotic diagnoses are schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic depression, schizoaffective disorder and drug induced psychosis.


Action on Postpartum Psychosis

A network of women with lived experience of postnatal psychosis, professionals and academics in the field. It offers peer support to families affected, raises awareness and supports research into its cause.

Phone: 0203 3229 900
Website: Click on the image

Bipolar UK

The national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, as well as their families and carers. Services include a hotline, national self-help support groups, online support and employment support.

Phone: 0333 323 3880
Website: Click on the image

Hearing Voices Network

Committed to helping people who hear voices, see visions and experience tactical sensations, and those that support them. They run a range of self-help groups and deliver training to professionals and the general public.

Phone: 0114 271 8210
Website: Click on the image