Home Life Support

Below you will find some great tips and tricks about how to balance your work and home life.

Change your expectations

As your family life changes and grows, or as your work life changes because of promotion, your responsibilities may seem to expand and become unmanageable. 

That usual level of perfection may now be unattainable, so changing your expectations of yourself is key.

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Unplug and Disconnect

We live in a world of technology - and where it makes us feel more connected, it also means we are constantly available. We need to make a conscious effort to have a cut-off time where we are no longer available to answer questions about work or complete unfinished tasks.

We all need to breathe out.

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Exercise and Meditate

Exercise releases those feel-good chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins that help us get through the day - you need that daily DOSE.

Equally, meditation in the form of breathing exercises or grounding exercises helps us to de-stress and slow everything down.

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Limit time-wasting Activities

Make a list of all of the things in your life that are important (spending time with family, preparing for work the next day, washing your hair, watching a TV programme, exercising etc) - and a list of all of the things that can be sacrificed (going for a drink the night before an important meeting, working at home until a late hour etc.)

Giving priority to the important, will maximise your chances of achieving them. Sometimes we need to be selfish with our time to ensure that we are not chasing our tails too often.

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Change aspects of your Life

Change your timetable regularly - to meet your own needs.

Change your habits - as life changes and priorities change, so should your routines.

Don't be afraid to experiment to get just the right balance.

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Help for Me and my Family

If you need any further information on how to provide support for you an your family, then take a look at the 'Help for Me and my Family' page on this website.

You will find lots of information about supporting them through bereavement, conflict, their work or education, Housing, Food and Finance.

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Volunteering is a great way to take your mind off work. There are many organisations and charities that are always looking for new volunteers and it may just be the thing you need. Volunteering can be very fulfilling, acting as a great way to improve your own well-being and the well-being of others. You may even make some new friends, by expanding your social network you will enhance your support network. 

Below you will find some examples of volunteering opportunities:

Girl Guiding




Community Projects

Sports Teams

Hospitals & Hospices

COVID related