Pregnancy & Maternity

What the Equality Act says about Pregnancy & Maternity Discrimination

It is unlawful pregnancy discrimination if your employer treats you unfavourably:

It is unlawful maternity discrimination if you are treated unfavourably because:


Maternity Action

Maternity Action is the UK’s leading charity committed to ending inequality and improving the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, partners and young children – from conception through to the child’s early years.

Phone: 0207 253 2288
Website: Click on the image

Working Families

They provide free legal advice to parents and carers on their rights at work. They give employers the tools they need to support their employees while creating a flexible, high-performing workforce and they advocate on behalf of the UK’s 13 million working parents, influencing policy through campaigns informed by ground-breaking research.

Phone: 0300 012 0312

Email: Use the form on the website

Website: Click on the image

Equality and Diversity Hub

Practice and policy insight on the latest equality, diversity & inclusion matters. You can get in touch if you have any questions regarding the Equality & Diversity website, or if you would like to know more about our forthcoming programme of equality and diversity related events.

Phone: 020 7324 4330


Website: Click on the image