School Nutrition Outreach Program

 "Backpack Program"

Overview: The Nutrition Backpack program provides 15 weekly backpacks filled, organized and distributed by the school counselor with the assistance of our social work associate and HSNHS. Food is provided by the Northeast Regional Food Bank. Money is raised through donations to pay for our building's participation in this program. Each week a student has access to milk, eggs and non-perishables to help feed them over the weekends. 

Who:  518-681-4316

Where located in Middle School:  Main Office for backpack pick up

Days available:  Friday

Times available:  At the end of the school day on Fridays, the backpacks are ready for student pick up

Referral process:  At the beginning of the school year teachers are given a referral form to identify students in their classroom. This referral sheet is provided to the school by the Northeast Regional Food Bank. Parents/Teachers can make referrals throughout the school year with each building working together to assure as many families as possible can benefit. There is also a wait list once all backpacks have been assigned in case of any change in a family's situation. School counselor stays in contact with parents and students to assure that the program assists those most in need.