

The CAPTAIN CHS Runaway & Homeless Youth Shelter is a temporary shelter certified by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services serving youth ages 13-17 who are homeless, runaway, or in an otherwise unsafe situation. Youth can utilize our program and services for up to 30 days or as long as is necessary, and know that they will be safe and find refuge in a home-like environment.

The Youth Shelter provides case management services and involves the youth in daily activities while they receive support and encouragement from trained adults they can trust. During their stay, all efforts are made to connect youth with a safe and stable home, by reuniting the youth with their families or with another permanent living arrangement. Shelter Brochure

Days and Times available: The Youth Shelter operates around the clock, every day of the year, accepting youth 24-hours a day from various locations and referral sources. On-Call Emergency Phone/Text answered 24/7/365 518-369-9928

Referral process: The Youth Shelter operates around the clock, every day of the year. CAPTAIN CHS accepts youth 24-hours a day from various locations and referral sources, with the goal of providing immediate emergency shelter to youth in crisis. We actively market and advertise a 24-hour crisis phone line, which is staffed by an on-call supervisor who can help youth, their families or other providers coordinate shelter for the youth. On-Call Emergency Phone/Text answered 24/7/365 518-369-9928

Note: For safety purposes, the Youth Shelter's location is confidential.

Our mission includes working with youth, individuals, and families who are dealing with housing crises, homelessness, and runaway issues. We are always available at no charge to runaways, the truly homeless, and those at risk of homelessness, and will remain committed to this.

WAIT House

WAIT House’s Crisis Services Program is located at 12 Wait St. in Glens Falls, NY. It is an eight bed co-ed emergency shelter for youth ages 16 up to 21. The shelter is certified by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Since opening in December 2003, WAIT House has provided shelter and services to over 1,200 homeless youths and their families. WAIT House is staffed 24/7. The shelter phone number is (518) 798-4384.

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Case Management and Goal Planning
  • Needs Assessment
  • Linkage to necessary services such as medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment
  • Reunification with family (if appropriate)
  • Connection to education, training and employment
  • On-site tutoring and life-skills training
  • After Care– follow up and support after leaving the emergency shelter

WAIT House’s Transitional Living Program for Homeless Youth is located at 10 Wait Street in Glens Falls, New York. The program is now accepting residents.

To be qualified for the program, residents must be:

  • Homeless or currently residing in temporary/emergency housing
  • Females between the ages of 16 and 21
  • Pregnant, parenting or without children
  • Cannot be a sex offender, have a violent history or be a fire starter

For more information please contact Sarah Rowell or Kristine Arnold, Case Managers at (518) 798-4384 or or

This program can provide appropriate housing, case management, and linkage to services for program participants for up to 12 months.

Glens Falls COde Blue Shelter - Open DOor

47 Lawrence Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 518-792-5900

Glens Falls Code Blue provides emergency overnight shelter to homeless people in the Greater Glens Falls Area.

A Code Blue night is called when the forecast is for a temperature of 32 degrees or lower (including wind chill) or at least 12 inches of precipitation. Call 518-792-5900 for an updated schedule.