PSHEE, Citizenship & Careers

Key Details

Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education (PSHEE), Citizenship & Careers is a basic entitlement for all students at Harwich and Dovercourt High School. It is embedded within the ethos of the school and is reflected in the general aims of the school. PSHE & Citizenship is a taught lesson that promotes students’ well-being and self-esteem enabling them to take responsibility for their future life choices.

PSHEE, Citizenship & Careers is about what it is to be a person, and how to be a valuable member of society. Fundamentally, this is concerned with the exploration of values and attitudes, with the development of skills, and with the acquisition of relevant knowledge and understanding. This should enable students to lead confident, healthy, responsible lives as individuals and a contributing part of society. From making responsible decisions to succeeding in their first job, PSHEECC helps to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up. Our PSHEECC curriculum also incorporates the statutory RSHE (Relationships, Sex & Health Education) content.   

We want all our students to be healthy and to achieve at school and in life.  We believe that by providing opportunities at school for enhancing emotional and physical health, we will improve long term health, reduce health inequalities, increase social inclusion and raise achievement for all.

Further details can be obtained from: Mr N Ireland,

Aims and Content of the Course

PSHEE & Citizenship aims to enable students to:

Harwich and Dovercourt High School is committed to providing our students with careers education, information, advice and guidance for all students in Years 7 -13. The provision of resources and advice to enable students to understand and develop career choices and to ensure that careers education is seen as part of the overall curriculum for all years. We aim to:

Students study 6 PSHEECC units per academic year. Each unit is linked to a specific core theme. The PSHEECC core themes at HDHS are:

1)  Rights, Responsibilities and British Values.

2) Celebrating Diversity and Equality.

3) Relationships and Sex Education.

4) Staying Safe Online and Offline.

5) Health and Wellbeing.

6) Life Beyond School.