Science Fair

The Science Fair is a PTA sponsored event. The event is typically held on a weekday evening in March at Burleigh Manor Middle School cafeteria. CLES students work alone or in pairs or groups on a science fair project. In February in the email newsletter there will be a sign up form and URL link to enter your student and or his/her group into the science fair.

The science fair project has guidelines that are outlined in a handbook. Here is an example of a previous year's handbook. Please refer to the current handbook for information about this year's science fair. Children come up with a project that outlines a question, a hypothesis, materials and methods to their experiment, data/results, and conclusions. Children in older grades identify variables in their project - dependent and independent. The project is then written up and presented on a cardboard display board for the science fair. No food products or biological substances are allowed to be present during the fair. Any project that uses food or biologicals may be photographed and presented as pictures at the science fair. All materials needed for the project and presentation are funded by individual families.

During the science fair students are assigned a particular position to place their project. The fair is divided by grade. Each grade's project is grouped together progressing from K-5 in the cafeteria. Students are judged on their project by volunteer judges. The judge listens to the children present their project and ask questions. They give feed back via a written document about the project.

There are no winners of the science fair. Every participant receives a certificate and ribbon for participating.

During some science fairs there is a raffle for science related prizes. In the past prizes have been books, microscopes, and science kits.

Volunteers are needed during the science fair to serve as judges. Judges typically review 2 projects during the fair. There are volunteer opportunities for set up, clean up, and check in desk.