
Conception to Birth

Physical Development

Note: this image is not an ultrasound of me. It showcases how hairy the baby is.

For my physical development, I developed with a lot of fat pads, making me very chubby when I was born. My mother mentioned that I came out very hairy (and I mean very hairy) compared to my two older brothers. I had long eyelashes, long hair, and a very hairy body when I was conceived. With these traits, my mother and the nurses first thought that I was a girl and my mother really wanted a girl since she only has all boys. Compared to my two older brothers, they were very loud and cried a lot while I was very calm and barely didn't cry from the moment that I was conceived.

Cognitive Development

Note: this image is not an ultrasound of me, but a representation of how I would've looked like.

My mother was not a drinker or a smoker, and she told me that I was born healthy with no mental or physical problems. My mother mentioned that she barely had any breast milk for me since my two older brothers "drank it all" when they were babies, therefore, I'm not really sure if that will affect me mentally or physically in the long run.

Psychosocial Development

Note: this image is not an ultrasound of me. It showcases and represents how I would've moved if my mother would speak to me.

According to my mother, she would always speak to me like: "Hurry up and grow, I want to hug you already... be a good boy when you grow up." Whenever she would speak to me, I would always respond back by kicking or moving. My mother would talk to me in both Filipino and English, and as I said, I would respond back. I think this is why I became more comfortable and closer to my mother when I grew up.