
Age 11 to Age 20

Physical  Development

During my adolescence stage, I hit puberty and my voice dropped a lot during middle school. I also started to develop pimples (I had a lot in middle school) and I was very self-conscious about that. However, I became more confident in my appearance when I started to go to a dermatologist during high school. My asthma was also barely affecting me, and I don't remember it affecting me at all. But I live in a household that smokes a lot, so I do have some problems breathing whenever I'm around someone who smokes cigarettes but not E-cigarettes. 

During high school, I was very self-conscious about my weight since I am skinny. I'm someone who eats whatever and whenever, but I have a fast metabolism and it's hard to gain weight. I'm slowly implementing protein shakes and working out into my life, and I plan on gaining more weight in the future.

Cognitive Development

In this phase, I started to pay more attention to my studies, especially during the last year of middle school. Doing this paid off really well. In my first two years of middle school, I was slacking off really bad and it was really stressing me out seeing others having good grades. However, I decided to implement more note-taking skills and paid more attention in class, and I managed to get straight A's. I did have a couple of burn outs and sad moments here and there, but it was worth it in the end. 

In high school, I kept the same motivation and managed to get valedictorian during graduation! I took AP courses and a Nurse Aide course, but even if it was stressful, I implemented more "safe" and healthy skills like studying in groups or studying a couple of weeks before an exam instead of procrastinating, and it worked out a lot.

Social Development

This picture showcases some of my friends in the Nurse Aide cohort in high school and we helped each other make it through! (I'm the one holding the jacket)

At this point of my life, grades and my future career was all that mattered to me. I managed to get into the nursing program at UH Manoa, however, I do know that it is not easy and that I'll have to keep giving more than 100% in my classes. 

Other than grades, I developed a great relationship with my mother and a little with my father. Whenever they would get sick, I would be there for them and care for them just like how they cared for me when I was little. I cherish them the most just as much as they cherish me.

I also become more closer to my two older brothers compared to before, where I barely spoke to them at all. I'm also very surprised that I haven't gone into any physical or verbal fights with them at all. 

In my family, I kind of feel pressured since they are all looking up to me as I am the youngest and I was one of the first in the family to become valedictorian. Therefore, I hope that I pay them back one day for supporting and believing in me.

My friends were also very important to me. Without them, I don't think that I would've survived high school since I would always go to them for help, comfort, and for advice.