Infancy & Toddlerhood

Birth to Age 3

Physical Development

At this age of my life, my mother described me as a monkey. I had hair all over my body (especially my hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows) that anyone could mistake me as a girl. My mother would shave my eyebrows and trim my lashes, and this probably contributed to how dense my eyebrows are and how long my eyelashes are today. 

Around this age, I also spoke my first word. According to my mother, my first word was "Mama" and I enjoyed saying it and repeating it. 

Although the pictures above are my eldest brother, just know that I apparently had more hair and longer hair than him. I was also a lot more chubby.

Cognitive Development

Compared to my two older brothers, I was and have always been the quiet one. My mother said that I barely cried (even at night), and I didn't cause any stress for her since I wasn't the type of baby that made a ruckus or threw any tantrums for attention just like my older brothers when they were younger. 

I was also introduced to my native language at a young age. Either by my parents, my relatives, or the Filipino series that is playing on the TV; I would eventually understand both languages at an older age.

Psychosocial Development

I had a lot of stuffed toys and I enjoyed making "relationships" with these stuffed toys as if they were alive. I was very attached to my toys that I would cry whenever someone would take them away.

I also didn't interact with my older brothers as much since they were out doing what young teenagers did (playing videogames or going out with friends). However, I did spend a lot of time with my mother and father when they would watch their Filipino series on the TV.