Emerging & Young Adulthood

Ages 20 - 40

Physical  Development

During adulthood, I feel like I will still look the same, hence the current picture of me, but I aim to be more muscular and fit. Hopefully my face starts to clear up from pimples and acne scars since I've been taking more care of my skin lately and have been going to the dermatologist. 

As for my hair, I don't think it will be thinning or balding. My father still had long hair around this age until later on in his late 40's.

As for my asthma, I feel like it will worsen since I've been surrounded by cigarette smokers more often at my home.

Cognitive Development

This picture is my mom when she was almost finished with college. This represents me for when I will be getting out of college. 

At my mid 20's I should be getting out of college and completing the nursing program at UH Manoa. Hopefully I will find a job at a hospital and work in the operating room or as a surgical nurse.

I've also been very dependent on my parents in doing my taxes or paying the bills, and now I will have to do all these things on my own or help them with the bills.

Psychosocial Development

This picture is my mother carrying my eldest brother. This represents me for when I plan to get children in the future.

During this phase, I feel like getting married and working as a surgical nurse would be my top priority. I plan on getting married in my mid 20's and hopefully get children, preferably a girl. If not, I plan on moving out from my parent's house and live in a condominium near the city.

Other than work and getting married, my family and friends will always be something that I'll cherish the most. I hope to travel the world and go to concerts that my friends and family have "planned" for. Since I'm the youngest, my parents will be very old at this point. I hope to give back to them and give them a life that they've never had/wished for.