Childhood & Adolescence


During the childhood and adolescence stages of human life, this is mainly where emotions, motor/physical development, and social development come into play. From expressing/understanding emotions to developing fine (small-muscle coordination) or gross (large muscle) motor skills, their body proportions and their way of expression become more "adult-like" and develop their own "self-concept."

Other than emotional and physical development, children in this stage also make advances cognitively. They finally come to understand symbols, develop the concept of identity and causes, able to count quantities, show empathy, and understand categorization.

Moving on from how children develop, parents or caregivers also have an effect on how a children will grow up based on the way that they "parent." From Baumrind's parenting styles, there is authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, and neglectful parenting styles. Although there are different parenting styles, there really is no "right" way on how to raise a child since parents can be different or can have multiple parenting styles.

I do have ultrasound pictures, but I unfortunately couldn't find any ultrasound pictures or infant/toddler pictures of me since I recently moved out and everything hasn't been completely organized yet. However, I did find my older brother's toddler pictures. Therefore, I will be using some clipart photos for my ultrasound pictures, and my older brothers will be representing me for my infant/toddler stages of my life.