

Adulthood spans the rest of someone's life after childhood and adolescence. It marks the start of being financially independent, having a child, getting married, finishing with education, and not living with parents. However, not everyone will have the same adulthood experience. There will be those who want to get married and those who don't; the list goes on. Of course, we can't deny that as age increases, the more prevalent  that health issues become. We become more aware of our health status and insurance coverage, getting enough sleep, and living a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Although our vision, brain, physical fitness, smell and taste, and hearing abilities decrease as we age, our creativity and integrative thought increases as we experience new/more things in life. Older individuals start to fulfill their purpose in life, develop coping skills, and have more acceptance towards who they are or what they are experiencing in life.

In the following tabs, I will be using my mother and my grandmother to represent me since I've been always told that I look like my mother and that we are basically twins. My mother also looks like her mom as well.