Middle Childhood

Age 6 to Age 11

Physical  Development

During this phase, I wanted to grow out my hair and keep it the way it was (just like in the photo above); however, I started to experiment with my hair and got used to having shorter hair than usual. Though, I do remember being anxious and uncomfortable having short hair. At this age, I still haven't hit puberty yet and I really miss my clear, smooth, and white skin. 

As for my asthma, it has gotten better as I aged, and I started to not rely on the nebulizer since I didn't really have a hard time breathing anymore. I've also started to fit into bigger clothes; as you can see in the picture, I'm wearing my mom's jacket and I can almost fit inside of it. 

I was also very active; I remember always having the bolt of energy to play "Tag" or flag football with my friends during recess and lunch time.

Cognitive Development

In this photo, this was actually one of my first and last time I've gotten Honor Roll in elementary school (2nd grade). I remember that I was a reckless child, but I also worked really hard on my homework. However, after my 2nd year in elementary, I remember that I've gotten more reckless, and I didn't really care that much about getting Honor Roll or my grades in general. 

At this stage, I knew how to do routine work that we did in class (such as writing in our planner daily) and learned how to play different types of instruments like the ukulele and recorder. I think that I enjoyed playing music more than doing "general" class work, and this probably grew my love for music as it is today. I also grew a huge passion for science/math, and I remember hating and slacking off in English and reading subjects.

Psychosocial Development

The person to the right is me and the person to the left is the same person who I showcased in my "Early Childhood" section. We became best of best friends and I remember having a lot of friends in elementary school because of an after school program that I applied to called "A Plus." A Plus was where we did our homework/classwork, eat snacks, and made friends with other people in the program. With that being said, I remember having a "thing" with a girl and having multiple crushes during my middle childhood years as well. 

Aside from friends, I was still more close to my mother than my father; however, I've started to go with my father and bond with him whenever he would go to his farm in Kaneohe. Of course, in a typical Asian household, my mother wanted me to become a doctor or nurse, but I also had the same aspiration: to become either a doctor, a nurse, a singer, or a lawyer.