Early Childhood

Age 3 to Age 6

Physical Development

At around 6 years old, I remember that my asthma would play a huge role that I had to use a nebulizer machine very frequently at this stage of my life. 

During this time, my baby teeth would start falling out and I remember that playing with the baby teeth that was about to come out very addicting. I also enjoyed candy; however, I've never gotten a single cavity.

As you can tell from the pictures, my hair was still long during early childhood. Even my eyebrows and eyelashes were starting to become bushier and more beautiful (I'm very grateful for my eyebrows and lashes). 

Because preschool/kindergarten was close to where I was living at that time, my mother and I would always walk to school. Speaking about walking, I was a very energetic child. I remember that I enjoyed running, playing tag, playing hide and seek, and enjoyed duck-duck-goose the most. I guess you could say that I was physically active in my early childhood.

Cognitive Development

At around 4-6 years old, I've enrolled in preschool and kindergarten. I've learned the alphabet, addition, subtraction, and knowledge about the world at a preschool-level. 

In the pictures above, you could tell that I REALLY loved stuffed animals and toys. I remember that I would play pretend with my stuffed animals and make a huge "movie" out of it in my head. Whenever I would feel sad, I would always go to my stuffed animals and cry with them or hug them for comfort. 

Connecting to the idea of walking to school, at the later age of early childhood (5-6 years old) my mother would stop dropping me off less often since I remembered how to get home or how to get to school. 

Psychosocial Development

The child on the right is me on Halloween dressed up as Batman with my childhood best friend/relative. 

During this phase, I really valued my friends that I've made at school and my best friend at that time. I was the type of child that would join in whenever someone else would be playing. I also didn't care what others thought about me since I didn't really develop a "strong" sense of concept yet. Connecting all these ideas, making friends wasn't really difficult for me.

At this point of my life, I think this was when I became a mama's boy since I grew a strong relationship with my mom. She was at home most of the time and I think that I grew emotionally attached to my mother more than my father. She was the one who decided everything for me, from my clothes to how my hair looked. In fact, both my mother and I loved my long hair that I would cry or decline going to the barber for a haircut.  Connecting to this, I think this was also when I became attached to having long hair.