Late Adulthood

Ages 65+

Physical  Development

This is my grandmother dancing with my grandpa at around 78 years old. This represents how I will still be active and act as if I'm still young!

I believe that I will still be out and about and living life as if I'm still young. I think that I will also keep exercising since that has always been my goal when I was just a teenager. 

Even with skin care, wrinkles will still gradually develop on my face and all over my body. I feel like I'll still try my best to try to look young and keep doing skin care.

My hair will also start turning white and I will have a bald spot on the top of my head, just like my father.

My grandmother doesn't have any incontinence and is still able to control her bladder, so I'll probably not have incontinence when I'm 65+ years old.

Cognitive Development

This is a picture of my mom and her mother.

In this phase, I might have some hard time with remembering where things are since that is what my grandma is currently experiencing right now. 

I will also probably not be depressed and accept the fact that my parents aren't alive to be with me anymore (hopefully they will still be alive!). 

I feel like I'll still use social media in keeping up with what's happening around me, and to stay in touch with my friends.

Psychosocial Development

This is a picture of my grandmother and I (I was around 10 years old). This represents how I will get to experience grandchildren and become a grandpa towards them. 

Since my parents would've passed away already, I'll probably still keep in strong contact with my best of friends. If not, I'll probably help taking care of my grandchildren.

My grandma is also surrounded by many relatives, cousins, and family. I also hope that I'll be surrounded by those I love and those who love me.