
All students will study the combined Science course for two GCSES. Some students will be given the opportunity to do Triple science instead, to get an individual GCSE in each science discipline (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).

This will enable you to study the Science subjects in the Sixth Form and progress into higher education Science courses or into science-based careers. 

Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are the pathway for future innovations that lengthen life, solve world problems and power economies. 

Most employers want workers who are able to reason and solve problems using some math, science, or technology knowledge. 

Combined Science:

Biology - students will study topics such as how the environment affects plants and animals. 

Chemistry – students will study topics such as how atoms interact and how these interactions affect reactions. 

Physics - students will study topics such as how forces affect matter and the energy changes that occur during interactions. 

Triple Science:

As well as covering all the Combined Science modules above, there are additional modules such as Space Physics and Key ideas in Biology. 

This course involves the study of 22 required practicals.

Combined Science - two GCSEs.

Triple Science - three GCSEs.

The course is 100% exam assessed. 

You will take two exams per discipline (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).