Core Subjects


Students will develop the self-awareness and confidence needed for adult life, further learning and work. They will have opportunities to show that they can take responsibility for their own learning and career choices by setting personal targets and planning to meet them. Students will experience talks and visits that will acquaint them with the rigours and routines of the world of work and assist them in making appropriate career choices.

There will be opportunities across the board for our students to engage in active citizenship at KS4. Primarily students who take one of the ‘Ethics’ subjects will lead on these tasks. There are numerous Super Learning Days which allow pupils to think critically about their role in the world, this will be supported through tutorials which include reflection on human rights, the work of famous activists and charity collections. Finally we aim to develop our students’ knowledge of the world around them through thought provoking assemblies. We aim to build active and critical citizens throughout their academic careers and beyond.

During Key Stage 4, students will be given opportunities during Super Learning Days to explore issues of health, personal safety and well-being. Students will be encouraged to discuss, raise and reflect on sensitive issues during a tutorial programme, school visitors and assemblies. It is our aim to help students understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to health and welfare, the law and society.

Students will take core PE because:

  • As you enter your later teenage years you need to know more about your body and how to keep yourself fit and active.

  • With the 2012 Olympics a distant memory, it is essential that we carry on with the legacy that it has left and keep our young people as active and healthy as possible.

  • Physical Education is a national requirement to help students be more active and less at risk of obesity and conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

What will you learn:

  • You will work at a higher level in the sports you have already done at key stage 3 with an emphasis on improving your own performance

  • You will also learn more about exercise and how your body works, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • You may be given the opportunity to represent the school in organising sports events for primary school children.

  • Opportunity to get coaching/ sport leaders awards.

What will you be required to do:

PE will offer you the opportunity to develop your skills in a wide range of sports and activities and help you improve your own performance participating in 2 practical lessons of PE per week.

You will participate in a range of sports, as well as developing the knowledge to improve your own ability in these activities. For students who enjoy sport and have the ability to work hard on written work, GCSE PE may be an additional subject that you can achieve.