
“Studies have suggested that learning a second language can 

slow brain ageing and can lead to higher mental function”

BBC 27.02.2019 

You should choose French, if you:

Theme 1:  Identity and culture 

Theme 2:  Local, national, international and global areas of interest 

Theme 3:  Current and future study and employment  

Topic 1: My studies 

Topic 2: Life at school/college 

Topic 3: Education post-16 

Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions 

All 4 language communicative competences are considered equal and therefore you must be committed to developing each one. 

In Year 11, you will take an exam in each skill:


Top colleges, Universities and companies all know that learning another language is challenging and helps you to develop unique as well as transferable skills. This is why people who have language qualifications at any level are more desirable to them. This may also explain why people who have language qualifications earn more money, receive promotions earlier in their career and achieve higher levels of promotion.    

The Top 5 jobs for language graduates according to are Account Management, Finance, Retail, Social Media and Government, Politics and International Relations. Language graduates are more than just translators or teachers. In fact they have the most diverse range of career choice compared to graduates of other subjects. 

“If you talk to a person in a language they understand, that goes to their head. 

If you talk to them in their own language that goes to their heart.”

Nelson Mandela