
In life there are leaders and followers? Those who direct and those that are directed. In the commercial world people find jobs to do and entrepreneurs create jobs. Those that choose to study business equip themselves with instincts and knowledge to be those very people who take the risk to create. If you see yourself as an individual with the vision and energy to be involved in building a business, then GCSE Business could be where you could begin your journey. 

The GCSE in Business looks at what happens in businesses, and analyses why they behave in certain ways. For the duration of the two -year course you will learn crucial skills, which will prepare you for your future careers whether in the scientific, legal or financial world. Business skills will help you to succeed in any area.  

The topics you will study include: 

In Business we aim to make the lessons engaging, interesting and innovative! Lessons are created to be student led, which means there will be many opportunities for you to be involved. You will learn Business through a variety of presentations, discussions, projects, analyses of web-based /case studies and regular assessment. All lessons will have opportunities to build examination skills as well as build the very real knowledge need to succeed in business in a technological and automated world of goods and service production. 

There will be two exams in year 1, both being 1 hour 30 minutes long. Questions range from shorter MCQ calculation- based questions to longer essay questions that cover all 4 assessment objectives. Throughout the course we will hold regular assessments to ensure you are making progress and building your capacity to succeed. 

The study of business requires to be or be prepared to be happy working with numbers and texts and welcome learning a completely new subject- unlike anything in KS3.