Key Skills


Students who:

  • want to make sure they have the skills required to successfully transition to college or the workplace.

  • will benefit from improving literacy and numeracy

  • will be supported to improve their attainment in all core subjects.

The Key Skills course is tailored towards the individuals in the group. Not everyone will be studying the same thing at the same time. The small group size supports a fully differentiated intervention. Teachers will work to support learning in specific areas that need development. The course uses ICT and other methods of learning to support your work in English, Maths and Science. This will be through:

  • Independent work using specifically tailored programmes proven to improve literacy and numeracy such as Lexia, GCSE pod and BBC Bitesize.

  • Discussion tasks to improve your verbal reasoning

  • Written tasks to support handwriting, and other written work across the curriculum.

You will be required to see this intervention as a vital part of your progress in all of your subjects. You will use what you learn from key skills and apply it to what you are learning elsewhere.

You will work independently towards your own goals set by your teacher.

Assessment may be different for each student depending on the level that the student is working at. You may be assessed online through various programmes or you may be required to do past GCSE exam papers. Some students who make significant progress within the first term in year 10 (Autumn) may leave the Key Skills group and move to a GCSE option subject, subject to availability.