
You should, if you: 

Component 1: Devising Theatre (40%) 

In this component you will create, develop and perform a devised piece of drama which you will then evaluate. Internally assessed, externally moderated. 

Component 2: Performing from a Text (20%) 

In this component you will perform in two extracts from a play text. Externally assessed by a visiting examiner. 

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice (40%) 

This is the final component where you write about a play you have studied in class and review another that you have seen live. Written exam externally assessed. 

Each of these components can also follow a design route rather than performance if you prefer the production skills in Drama to the performance ones – you don’t have to be an actor to do GCSE Drama. 

As part of the course you will be introduced to a range of theatre practitioners and will learn how each of them approached the art of Drama. You will practice working in their style and will develop your own ideas from theirs. You will devise your own pieces of drama inspired by their work and built around stimuli given in class. 

You will also be introduced to a range of play texts that we will read, study and perform in class. Some of these plays will be the texts studied for the final exam, and you will also write in the exam about a play you have seen in performance 

You will be expected to work creatively and co-operatively during lessons, to work hard and have fun. You will keep a detailed record of the drama that you are involved in and build a portfolio of evidence about your devised work.  

You will develop rehearsal skills so that you can keep working on a script, making your interpretation of it better and better over time. This will involve learning lines and moves, working with others to build to a performance of the script. 

You will learn to evaluate your own work and that of other students and professional actors in great detail, using the language of drama appropriately. There will be theatre trips and workshops in which you can see how professional performers use the drama techniques – you must write a review of one of these plays.  

You will be assessed for Component 1 by your class teacher; for Component 2 an external examiner will come in to assess your performance; Component 3 is an exam.