Bikes & Boats

Bikes and Boats is a very unique course offered at SDCI. Created by Mr. Vine, Bikes and Boats is a techno-math course which means that the course is half technology and half mathematics. The idea of the techno-math is to have the math within the tech side of the course by giving students a math problem but have it engineered to help with the building of the boat. Bikes and Boats is also a dual credit course which means at the end of the semester students will receive 2 credits one for grade 10 technology and one for grade 10 math.

For the bike portion of the course, SDCI asks the community to donate used bikes for the students to repair. We have Doug & Marions Bikes from town come into the class and work one on one with students teaching them how to repair the bikes. Once the bikes are repaired Mr. Vine will take the students out and ride the bikes around Strathroy. This gives the students both physical activity and nature therepy.

For the boat portion of the course, students main project throughout the entire course is to create their own sail boat within a small group. Students will spend the entire semester working on this big project which leads up to the SDCI boat launch. The boat launch takes students out to a boating area (In 2019 we held the boat launch at Fanshawe Lake, London, Ontario) and allows them to sail the boats they built on the water.

Check out this video which features the boat launch from 2019!

Boat Launch 2 Vine 2019.mp4