
Memory Box

A memory box is an activity to help anyone create a space to store special memories of lost loved ones. Many who are living with grief may fell anxiety about forgetting a lost loved one. A memory box can help with this anxiety because its a space to revisit memories.

Memory Box Instructions.doc

Memory Box

"Children may find it difficult to express their grief verbally or may be reluctant to talk out of fear of upsetting those around them. By making a memory box together, it can create an opportunity to talk about the person you have both lost, help your child to open up about their feelings, and allow you both to share memories and reflect on your loved one."

by Patrice Karst

A story about always being connected by hearts through an invisible string of love.

A Special Guide for Parents and Caregivers


For Teacher and School Counsellors

Returning to the Grieving Classroom - V. MacDonald.pdf
Grief Resources for Schools.pdf
Grief Groups and Counselors_NS.pdf
Online Children Grief Support.pdf