School Counsellor's Corner
School Counsellor Contact:
Andrew Gosney, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC, RCT (100%)
Heather Topshee, M.Ed. (Counselling), RCT (20%)
Welcome to the Virtual School Counsellor's Office for Hammonds Plains Consolidated Elementary School
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Relaxed Breathing Training: Belly Breathing with Digital Model
Relaxed Breathing Training: Belly Breathing with the Puffer fish!
Practicing and Supporting Cybersafety

8 Tips for Talking with Kids and Youth about Coping with Tragedy

Mr. Gosney's Tips for Surviving Isolation
Keep a Routine- As much as possible try to go to bed and get up at regular times, make your bed in the morning and have meals at regular times. Maintain family rituals or create new ones, such as game nights, movie nights, bedtime stories, dance parties, theme days, etc.
Stay Positive- Take time to acknowledge the good things that happen each day, either at dinner time as a family, at bedtime, by keeping a Gratitude Journal or by creating a Positivity Jar.
Stay Physically Active- Whether you can get outside or not, maintaining a certain level of physical activity is key for physical and mental health. Yoga videos are abundant on YouTube. You can also visit Joe Wick's Website for Free Daily Kids Workouts. Even without technology, you can be creative and make your own obstacle course around the house or yard.
Get Outside- As much as possible being outside in fresh air makes a big difference to a person's outlook. Even if just in your yard or on your deck, front steps or walkway, for a game of hopscotch, to toss a ball or to simply sit and read, your mood will improve.
Keep Your Brain Active- Reading is an excellent way to keep your brain active and you will find many read aloud versions of children's popular books on YouTube. The Read Aloud Canadian Books Program is an excellent site that offers Canadian read aloud books. Other ways of keeping your brain active is by playing board games, card games, I Spy, pretending, making crafts, baking, word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, etc.
Stay Connected- Physical distancing and isolation can make anyone feel lonely. It can heighten worries or stresses and makes coping more difficult. Taking time to connect with each other as a family is important each day. Even though we cannot engage in our regular social activities outside of the home, we can stay in touch through phone calls, texts, and through video chats, if technology is available. Old fashioned letters still work as well. Canada Post is still operating and you can mail and receive letters. Furthermore, letter writing is an activity that will also help reinforce many educational outcomes, such as conventions of writing. However you choose, make sure that you and your family maintain social connections inside and outside of your home.