
Kelso PowerPoint

Kelso Poster (small).doc
Kelso's Choice in French.pdf

Kelso's Choice Wheel

Tool for helping children shoose options to keep disagreements and conflicts small. 

Conflict and disagreement is normal and often happens when children are together. Our goal is to teach our students several positive ways to deal with these difficult situations. Kelso’s Choice is a conflict management skills program based on the premise that every child is capable of becoming a peacemaker and of solving conflicts peacefully. 

Kelso the frog teaches students how to solve “small” problems on their own. “Small” problems include conflicts that cause “small” feelings of annoyance, embarrassment, boredom, etc. “BIG problems” always need to be taken to an adult. These are situations that are scary, dangerous, illegal, etc.

Students will learn that if they have a small problem they need to try 2 of Kelso’s choices.  If they have a big problem they need to go and tell an adult they trust. 

We encourage you to become familiar with this program and use it in your home. By working together, we can develop a positive healthy life skill for our children to use at home and school.

What is Conflict?

As you may have concluded, most younger children don't understand a definition of conflict, or have made up their own way of understanding it without using the right word. Why not watch this together and ask them to tell you what it means after viewing? 

Kelso Little problems and Big Problems.pdf

Big Problems VS Small Problems

Here is a list of examples of small problems vs big ones. The rule here is simple: Big problems are scary and dangerous to themselves or others. Always to go to a grown up for a big problem. 

Small problems aren't scary or dangerous to anyone. Try at least 2 of Kelso's Choices to solve on your own before seeing a grown up. 

*Remember: a put-down used once or twice is not bullying, but if you've tried Kelso's Choices 2 times and the conflict doesn't end them go to a grown up. 

Willow Pond

Tease Monster

Learn the difference between teasing and put downs. 

The Juicebox Bully: Empowering Kids to Stand Up For Others

12 tools handout.pdf

The 12 Tools

A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue

Learn all About the Tattle Rules

***This is an excellent book, but may not be suitable for younger children with highly active imaginations. 

I just Don't Like the Sound of No! 


Peer Reviewed Research about Kelso's Choice