For Parents

Going back to school update.pdf

Going Back to School

separation anxiety.pdf

Separation anxiety

When You Are Brave

by Pat Zietlow Miller

The Kissing Hand

For first days of school

new school preschool.pdf

Going to a New School

Kids Stories: Rainbows in Windows with Donald Sutherland

Social-Emotional Learning: Healthy Home Practices During COVID-19

The Invisible String~ Read With Me ~Story Time

When we are missing a friend or family member we can't see for a while.

The Stay Home Superheroes - Animation (English)

COVID-19 Q&A for Kids with Dr. Strang

(FRENCH subtitles)

Seeing other people wearing masks.pdf

Seeing Other People Wear Masks

This site is marketed for children living with ASD, however it is also excellent for all young learners. This includes access to several social stories on a variety of topics to help us move forward in a COVID-19 world.

Topics include:

Returning to school

Wearing masks

Greeting friends

Going for a walk

Why are doctors, etc. wearing masks

Going to the dentist

Getting a haircut

Strictly for Parents and Teachers

Parent Chart of Parent Behaviour

Children learn what they live. The will always emulate your example. Remembering that no one is perfect, here is a helpful chart for parents. You can use this one, add to it, or modify it.

More Helpful Links!

Just take it day by day, and moment by moment. We have no way of controlling how long social distancing will last, or when a vaccine will be produced, but we can control the attitude we bring to our household and how we respond to our emotions.

It's ok to feel scared, upset and even angry sometimes because of the Coronavirus, but it's important to figure out what helps calm you down when feeling this way - A hug from a loved one? Watching a funny video? Going for a walk? Dancing? Talking about your feelings? Drawing? Spending time with a pet? Yoga? Calling a friend? Journaling? Playing a game? Deep belly breaths? A cup of hot chocolate? (with marshmallows of course! :)

Take care of yourself, reach out to others for support and know that we are all in this together!