Community Engagement

Ask your Pharmacist 2022


Ask your pharmacist program is done by collecting survey forms from patients in the community and it is used to answer their inquiries regarding their medications and to increase their access to the pharmacy professional.

Benefits of the community engagement activity:

-Increase Awareness of the profession-Medical/Medication needs of the specific person in the community-Drug utilization assessment-prevent unnecessary/unwanted drug-drug interaction

Process of community engagement activity:

Phase 1:Ask students to interact with patients and fill survey form regarding the medication they are taking and if they are having any general/specific questions for a pharmacist.Phase 2:Then the survey form is shared with an assigned APPE student and their respective preceptor for review. Students then will have to get back to their patients regarding there inquiries and finally ask their patient to fill a feedback form sharing their experience with the program.

Pictures of Students Interacting with the Community and collecting forms