period products

free period products

Would you like to receive FREE eco-friendly period products direct to your home? If you are a learner at the college OR a work based learner, you can sign up now!

FREE PERIOD PRODUCTS and SPARE CLOTHES are also available from Learner Services

No one should be denied their education or skill development because of MENSTRUATION. Period.

Within Grŵp Llandrillo Menai we provide the opportunity for learners to access free products in order to overcome these barriers but recognise we can do more to tackle the educational aspects of period poverty.

We launched the ‘Period Dignity Campaign’ to remove what is an unnecessary obstruction to education and to promote how learners can manage their periods with confidence, break down menstrual taboos and normalise conversations about periods, so that they no longer feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help.

Working with our Active Ambassadors we developed the 'It won't stop us' Campaign.

In February 2019, prior to COVID lockdown and government restrictions, we filmed and interviewed a range of athletes from across North Wales to share their experience of managing their menstruation whilst continuing to train.

As part of this campaign we want to promote the importance of maintaining physical activity to highlight the benefits upon reducing the symptoms of menstruation and that periods should not act as a barrier to engaging in either learning or active wellbeing. Alongside this we have developed free complimentary exercise resources which learners can do at home.

Exercises to combat pain

Listening to our learners, they identified not only accessing products was a barrier but also managing pain and discomfort.

Working with a personal trainer and former GLLM learner, a range of twelve short exercise techniques have been developed to help with this.

There is an exercise for each month, which can help to alleviate some of the discomfort. You can try these at home, outside, with friends or on your own - which ever works best for you.