Peer on Peer

Sexual Harassment

All of our learners or Work Based learners have a right to be safe.

Peer-on-peer harassment is any form of physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse, and coercive control exercised between children/young people, and within their relationships (both intimate and non-intimate), friendships, and wider peer associations.

Some examples of sexual harassment can include:

  • making sexual comments, remarks, gestures, jokes either face-to face or online

  • lifting up skirts or taking a picture under a person’s clothing without them knowing

  • making nasty comments about someone’s body, gender, sexuality or looks to cause them humiliation, distress or alarm

  • image-based abuse, such as sharing a nude/semi-nude photo or video without the consent of the person pictured

  • sending unwanted sexual, explicit or pornographic photographs/videos to someone

Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature which:

  • Violates your dignity and makes you feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated

  • Creates a hostile or offensive environment

  • You don’t need to have previously objected to someone’s behaviour for it to be considered unwanted

Is sexual Harassment a form of unlawful discrimination?

Did you know sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. If you’re treated badly or less favourable because of your reaction to sexual harassment, you may have a claim under the Equality Act.

With many legal acts in place, such as The Sexual Offences Act, The Misuse of Telecommunications Act, The Malicious Communications Act and The Equality Act, anyone who thinks that they are immune from the law needs to consider their position carefully. As any form of sexual, emotional, physical or malicious harassment, abuse or assault could lead to criminal proceedings.

It can also lead to disciplinary action by the college or your employer.


In some cases, for example when a someone tells an inappropriate sexual joke, you may find it is enough to inform them that their behaviour is making you uncomfortable.

In cases of repeated comments or physical touching, it is a good idea to keep a diary/record of times and any witnesses to the behaviour. You should tell your tutor/assessor immediately.

If you have questions or would like to discuss the subject of inappropriate sexual behaviour, then please talk to your tutor or your assessor; or you can contact the Wellbeing and Safeguarding Team. They are available to offer advice and guidance to ensure that anyone at risk is given the right support. If you are finding life during learning or training or at home difficult, and don’t feel safe or if you have a concern about someone else, our Safeguarding team is available to help.

A serious sexual assault or rape can be handled through legal channels, but if you prefer not to go to the police there are also specialist services and organisations that can help.

  • Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Rasasc), North Wales provides information, specialist support and therapy to anyone aged 3 and over who has experienced any kind of sexual abuse or violence. They will support you whether this happened recently or in the past. They can also provide specialist support and therapy to partners and family members of those who have been affected by sexual abuse and violence. Their service is non-judgemental, confidential and free of charge. There are exceptions to confidentiality where the safety of children or vulnerable adults is concerned, but they will explain these to you when they meet you.

  • Your own GP or practice nurse, or call NHS 111

  • Live Fear Free

Llinell Gymorth Byw Heb Ofn

Live Fear Free Helpline

Os ydych chi, aelod o’r teulu neu ffrind, neu unrhyw un arall rydych chi’n poeni amdanynt wedi dioddef camdriniaeth ddomestig neu drais rhywiol, gallwch gysylltu â llinell gymorth Byw Heb Ofn 24 awr y dydd, 7 diwrnod yr wythnos, i gael cyngor a chymorth neu drafod eich opsiynau.

Cysylltwch â chynghorwyr Byw Heb Ofn am ddim ar y ffôn, drwy sgwrsio ar-lein, neu drwy anfon neges destun neu e-bost.

If you, a family member a friend, or someone you are concerned about has experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence, you can contact the Live Fear Free Helpline 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for free advice and support or to talk through your options.

Get in touch with Live Fear Free advisors free of charge by phone, online chat, text or email.

Other helpful information for you