QUIT Smoking

Smoking remains the single largest cause of preventable ill health in Wales, and a significant cause of health inequity.  On this page you will find links to access support, and information relating to smoking. 

copi o boster helpu fi i roi gorau iddi, copy of help me qut poster


If you’re thinking about stopping smoking, there’s no better time to quit than now.  Help Me Quit are with you every step of the way on your smokefree journey.   FREE support is available in:

map o Gymru, map of wales

 Statistics in Wales

llun o sigaret a phres, picture of cigaret and moneu

What is smoking costing me?

llun o strwythyr cemegol nicotin, pictrure of chemical structure of nicotine

How dependent on nicotine am I?

llun o arwydd dim ysmygu, picture of no smoking sign

Smokefree timeline