Outdoor Education
Grades 9 & 10

For 2023/24 it is expected that all Grade 9 students. And new for this year Grade 10 students on an optional basis, take part in an adventurous overseas expedition that is connected to their passions and Outdoor Ed big ideas of: Personal Challenge, Learning with Others, Connection to Nature and Expedition Skills. 

These trips run during the March/ April and June/ July holidays. You can view the trip options in this letter

The college community is unanimously positive that this model of Outdoor Education trips options is able to return as we know this supports student's growth and experience in so many ways which paves the way for Project Week in Grade 11 and life after UWCSEA!

Past but not forgotten!

During covid 19 pandemic, overseas travel was not an option, so we embraced what we could acess here in Singapore. Please take note of the information below as this could form part of your pre trip training, or general RnR/ adventure activities in your free time!

We encourage HS students to drawer from previous expedition experiences, research, plan and undertake your own Outdoor Education - Micro Adventure in Singapore!

Alistair Humphrey's describes the Micro Adventure concept in this video which can be found on the Outdoor Education Micro Site

Please use the information below to help in your planning, preparation and action for a Singapore based Micro Adventure during time that fits for you!