Outdoor Education

Learn a Skill, Seek Knowledge, Be Inspired #GoSKI

Aim: Teach Skills, pass on Knowledge and Inspire individuals to explore the world outside your comfort zone. 

Hello & Welcome to the Outdoor Education Microsite!

Our intention for this site is to create a virtual resource for engaging with the Outdoor Education skills, knowledege and to gain inspiration, that can support your own lifelong adventure learning journey and embrace everyday to the fullest.

 If you are looking for current Outdoor Education programme details please click the Current Trips in the top right and navigate to Outdoor Education through the college website and portal.

 We hope you enjoy the content and linked information should you wish to contribute to the site in some way to make it more groovy please get in touch with us via oeeeast@uwcsea.edu.sg or oedover@uwcsea.edu.sg

Take care and remember that adventure can be an attitude, not just a destination!

Chris Newman & Oli Sampson - Heads of Outdoor Education East & Dover

See below to challenge yourself to expand your comfort zone virtually / remotely:

From the team that #GoSKI

Outdoor Ed

If you'd like to learn more about UWCSEA's Outdoor Education curriculum, click here!

Choose Your Journey

Plan a MicroAdventure

Unsure of what your MicroAdventure may look like? #SKI







Virtual Escape Rooms