Guiding Statement

UWCSEA aims to inspire and empower students to discover, develop and share a lifelong passion. We want to provide strong foundations for a healthy active lifestyle, personal development, positive interpersonal relationships and service to others.

The purpose of the Community Activity Programme is to:

The Community Activity Programme (CAP) is extensive and inclusive, catering to all ages and abilities from K1 to G12 and is available to UWCSEA and NON UWCSEA students.

To cater to the wide range of student interests and aptitudes for sport and activities, the CAP includes an extensive menu of opportunities that include: Basketball, Climbing, Volleyball, Hockey, Karate, Cricket, Badminton, Softball, Rugby, Tennis, Swimming and Gymnastics. 

The programmes run predominantly on the weekends and evenings mid-week. There are development and competitive opportunities depending on the activity selected.  The CAP also provides an extensive Holiday Programme during UWCSEA School Holidays. 

Through the Community Activity Programme, students learn and reflect upon the personal skills and qualities of our UWCSEA profile. Participants learn the benefits of hard work, how to be resilient and time management skills. When setting goals and reflecting on personal development and performance, players are guided to reflect, be self critical and work on steadfast improvement. 

Our CAP places great emphasis on teamwork, community engagement, student leadership and service programmes. Through this, we are able provide powerful, meaningful opportunities for our players to unite and serve the College and wider Singapore community.