Student/child safety

Meeting 3

Negative impacts of technology on children and students include:

Social skills:

- Technology can negatively affect children's developing social skills and relationships[1]. Children may become more isolated and less able to communicate effectively with others.


Technology use can negatively impact children's health, including their physical health due to a lack of exercise and their mental health due to increased screen time and exposure to cyberbullying[1][2].

Ability to focus

 Technology can negatively impact children's ability to focus and learn, as they may become distracted by the constant stimulation of screens[1].

As teachers, it is important to navigate this path by promoting responsible technology use and setting clear guidelines for technology use in the classroom. This can include:

Setting limits

Teachers can set limits on technology use in the classroom and encourage students to take breaks from screens[5].

Teaching digital citizenship

Teachers can teach students about digital citizenship and responsible technology use, including how to stay safe online and how to communicate effectively with others[3].

Encouraging creativity and problem-solving

Teachers can use technology to encourage creativity and problem-solving skills in students, rather than simply using it as a distraction[3].

To promote better awareness of the potential negative impacts of technology on children and students, teachers can:

Educate parents

Teachers can educate parents about the potential negative impacts of technology on children and encourage them to set limits on technology use at home[5].

Stay informed

Teachers can stay informed about the latest research on technology use and its impact on children, and use this information to inform their teaching practices[6].

Encourage balance

Teachers can encourage students to find a balance between technology use and other activities, such as spending time outdoors or engaging in creative pursuits[6].






